Many of you are already familiar with Turtle.
He is our 80+ lb African Sulcata Tortoise that we've had for over 10 years now.
He's a simple fellow.
Sleep, eat, poop, repeat.
Every once in a while he'll break loose, but we give him a pretty good life and he knows where home is.
Since he's getting so big - we needed a better plan than what we've had in the past. When we lived in Texas, we'd let him stay in the garage under a heater.
I'd fix him up with a "condo" - to hold the heat in a little area for him and he'd pretty much hibernate for the winter.
So, this year - with all of our pallet ideas, we repurposed some pallets and made him a house. It has a sun roof and everything!
He loves his house.

We'll continue to improve his house and living arrangements, but this winter has turned out to be great for Turtle.
He's not remanded to be inside everyday.
On nice days (when the temps are above 50) we open his house up and let him get some exercise.
In years past, we would have to carry him outside to get some fresh air on nice days and hurry up and get him before he burrowed in for the night under a bush.
Now after he's been outside and he's ready to call it a night - he just goes back in his house and let's us know he's done for the day.
We did start to build a greenhouse to protect his area.
Weather and time were not on our side.
This will be helpful in the summer to give him some shade.
Next winter - we've got the structure ready to complete the greenhouse.
We're also going to put wheels on his pen and house so we can move him around the yard for an endless supply of grass!
The end.