It's Sunday morning and I'm sitting in my office, getting prepared for the new week.
It's quiet in the house because the grand kids haven't arrived yet.
I started thinking about the reasons I coupon.
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I think why I coupon really comes down to 5 main reasons (in random order).
5. I refuse to pay retail.
I was taught that lesson from as long as I can remember going into a store. My father showed me how to do the math on getting my "money's worth". My mother always shopped the sales circulars (we'd drive all the way to Massapequa for laundry detergent).
I just took those things I learned and combined coupons (or online coupon codes) to save sometimes hundreds of dollars on necessary items that I was going to have to buy anyway.
There are some things you may have to pick up without a sale or you don't have a coupon for - but through good planning and understanding sales cycles - you can really save yourself so much money - with a little strategy.
4. Karma.
You know, the Golden Rule. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you".
I share my wins. A lot of times I'm able to pick up things for free or close to free that I would never use. There are charities out there that would love some of your abundance.
The funny thing about that is - the more you give, the more you get.
I always share.
3. I don't like throwing money down the drain.
I HATE that most of the things you buy are eventually going to go down the drain or in the trash.
Think about it. Toilet Paper, Cleaning Products, Detergent / Fabric Softener, Trash Bags, Shampoo / Conditioner / Soap / Toothpaste... ALL of these things are temporary but necessary for your modern household.
So, why would I want to spend a lot of money on these things?? That just doesn't make any sense!
2. It's a challenge.
When you get to the register and your total comes to $193.46, then - all your sales and coupons get deducted - you pay $54.13!! WHAT!?! What could you do with an extra $139.33??
Other customers get excited, the cashier gets excited and your sense of accomplishment and even some adrenaline - is a complete rush.
Matching sales to coupons is a challenge.
Putting the deals together is fun.
Couponing is retail therapy without the guilt.
1. Family.
My reason and purpose for getting up everyday.
Aboy and I make enough money that we don't have to penny pinch, however - if you've ever read any of my older posts - you know it hasn't always been easy.
I know what it is to have to decide if we're going to buy groceries or pay the electric bill. I know how it feels to have to buy the watery dish detergent because that's all my wallet would allow.
I coupon because I don't want my kids to have to make those sacrifices.
I want them to be able to look in the cabinet and see they need deodorant and not have to check their bank account. I want them to come into my office and pull what they need off the stockpile.
And the great thing about all that is - I'm not spending extra to be able to do that... I'm actually spending less and getting more.
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That is why I coupon.