Friday, January 20, 2012 |

The humor in growing old

“Getting old is mandatory, growing up is optional”
~Chili Davis



I’ve traded my acne cream for wrinkle cream. I take vitamins to support heart health and digestive balance. I have to color my hair every four to six weeks to cover the phenomenal amount of wisdom I’ve accumulated over the past 45 years (If you saw how much grey hair I have – you’d think I was a GD genius!). I know aging is a process and is inevitable – but honestly – since I hit 40, aging has become a steep mountain and I am the snowball at the top. This shit is for the birds!

Aboy was 19 years old when we met; I was 21. We have grown up together. He reminds me all the time that I am older than him, Whatever!. As we draw closer to 24 years together – we’re beginning to grow old together. The difference in our aging process – I’m not in denial (besides coloring my hair).

I realized I was getting old when I’d wake up sore and the extent of my physical activity the day before was sitting in front of my laptop all day. Exercise – (which is a whole other blog post) is way over-rated and my theory is – life is tied into fate and destiny… why chance it by keeling over on a treadmill?

Aboy has been in denial. He turned 40 in 2008. It was a pretty uneventful birthday because Aboy still thinks he’s 27. Seriously – he’s put on 100 pounds since I met him in 1988 and still gets out on the basketball court trying to hang with the young guys.

Since we’ve moved to Texas – he’s become a little more realistic. He still goes down to the Rec, but instead of playing on the “NBA court” (you know, the 20 somethings that played sports in high school), now he plays on the “NBDL court” (the kids who were picked last in gym class). He’s a beast on the “NBDL court”!  I believe he’s good for 1 good game on the “NBA court” (Don’t tell him I said that – I’ll never hear the end of it!)  

*For those that don’t know the NBDL is the NBA’s Development League.


I have worn glasses since I was 19 years old. When I started driving a cab – my distance vision, specifically at night, began getting blurry.  It only took a few years before I was required to wear glasses full-time and now there’s actually a restriction on my license that I have to drive with my glasses on.

I love my glasses. I believe they make me look like an intellectual – and as long as I can keep my mouth shut – people really believe I’m pretty smart!

Aboy is not as comfortable with glasses. He’s been struggling for almost 2 years now – trying to read the fine print on labels and if I send him a text message at night – fuhgetaboutit!


This morning, Aboy and I were up extra early (also age related). It was so early, the sun wasn’t up yet. We were drinking coffee and watching the news and had a lamp on in the living room so we weren’t sitting in the dark.

Yesterday, I had purchased some dietary supplements so we can add them into our diet. Aboy tends to eat a lot healthier than I do – but, as we’re aging, we both need more of the stuff that we aren’t getting enough of – like antioxidants, omega 3’s and probiotics. I had put the 3 boxes on his table last night because he said he wanted to see what the supplements contained.

So, this morning, while we were sitting in the living room (waiting for the sun to rise), I said, “How many of those vitamins do I have to take a day?” 

Aboy picked up the box and moved it under the gleam of the lamp. He squinted and adjusted the distance so he could focus in… then put the box back on the table and said “I’ll read it later – when the sun comes up”.

I looked at him and my expression screamed “Seriously?

After a long minute - I said “When are you going to get reading glasses?”

I've told you, Aboy watches a lot of movies and many of our conversations mimic lines out of a movie he's watched. Sometimes when he speaks, it's straight out of the movie "Eddie Murphy - Raw" when Eddie Murphy's father PUT THE RULES UP!  <~~ (Click that!) 

Without hesitation, Aboy dignified my question with - “I ain’t wearing no glasses! I’ll be walkin’ into walls in this bitch before I put glasses on my eyes!”

Yea, just call me Lillian!

After I wiped the tears from my eyes and caught my breath from laughing hysterically I tried to picture what our house would look like with bumper guards and padding on the walls. 

Maybe it’ll be easier to get him some knee pads and a helmet.


This is “Life in my Nutshell” at its finest!

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