There are no shortcuts in life. That’s just a fact. If you want success and you “cheat” to get it – it will be temporary. A strong foundation sustains you because temporary fixes only hold you over for the moment. Commitment, determination and passion will drive you when you have doubts or feel like quitting.
By trade, I’m a software consultant. I consult businesses on best business practices regarding their software choices. I train them how to use the products they purchased and I also write technical documentation to support their newly purchased software – customized to their business process and use. I work closely with the customer in configuring the set-up and also act as a liaison to the company they purchased the software from – handling all the technical specifications and configuration, so they don’t have to worry about that aspect of the installation (implementation).
By trade, I’m a software consultant. I consult businesses on best business practices regarding their software choices. I train them how to use the products they purchased and I also write technical documentation to support their newly purchased software – customized to their business process and use. I work closely with the customer in configuring the set-up and also act as a liaison to the company they purchased the software from – handling all the technical specifications and configuration, so they don’t have to worry about that aspect of the installation (implementation).
When I tell people what I do for a living, my flexible schedule and income capabilities – they want to know how I can put them on. Then I tell them about the hours (and hours) of research, online classes, and non-paid tasks of the job and all of a sudden, you’d think I was shoveling shit for a living.
But you see, I love what I do. It’s easy to me. I have a knack, I love it and even during the shit shoveling part of the job – I know I reap the rewards for my hard work when I bill a customer.
But you see, I love what I do. It’s easy to me. I have a knack, I love it and even during the shit shoveling part of the job – I know I reap the rewards for my hard work when I bill a customer.
There are some negative points about the type of work I do. I call it the feast or famine aspect of the job. Either I’m making bunko money and living high on the hog or taking freelance writing assignments to pay the minimum balance on my credit card. Definitely not conducive to putting money away for retirement – luckily I have a husband that appreciates my talents and encourages me to pursue what I love. (Trust me, when the money is good – it’s very good!)
Is it for everyone?... probably not – but we live in a country that being a non-conformist (and letting the creative juices flow) is encouraged. There is nothing written that says every day I have to wake up with an alarm clock, schlep (in traffic) 30 minutes to work, sit behind a desk for 9 hours, schlep (in traffic) 30 minutes home and wake up the next day to do that all over again. To me – that’s a creativity killer and I would suffocate if I had to live like that.
Could I do it? Yeah, if I had to – I could. I actually did it for years – when the kids were little. If I had to do it now, I would exhaust every other avenue before I pursued that lifestyle – because I know me and my patience level… and my situation is different now than it was a few years ago.
My profitable hobby…
My profitable hobby…
Couponing has turned into a great hobby for me. Just like some like to crochet or paint – it’s something I enjoy doing. It takes all the things that motivate me – research, analysis, strategizing – and produces a positive result. It’s a rush.
I began couponing in early October, 2011. Aboy and I had watched the show Extreme Couponing and he said WE can do it! It was a challenge to me and it looked like fun – and to this point, I’ve really been having a lot of fun doing it. Not to mention the thousands of dollars in groceries and personal care items I’ve accumulated for pennies on the dollar – the savings has literally kept money in our bank account – that can be used for other things.
In doing the math, I’ve taken our $600+ monthly grocery bill to under $200 a month – in just 3 months. What’s really exciting – the more I coupon, the more I save. My goal is to get us under $100 a month by the summertime.
So, I’m contributing around $400 (or more) a month – without the payroll taxes J. I say or more because I’m also getting items like dog food and treats, hair color and cosmetics for FREE.

How many times have you gotten sick and had to run to the store? Not me - as a matter of fact, Ben just went to the stockpile to get some Excedrin for his headache. I have enough pain relievers, cold/cough and headache medicine to sustain us for at least a year - and it's all name brand - all FREE.

And chapped lips don't stand a chance here. Between Aboy and the kids - they go through chapstick (blistex, carmex, etc) like we own stock in the company - because they lose it or it goes through the wash. Now, we have enough to last 2 years - all FREE.
How many times have you gotten sick and had to run to the store? Not me - as a matter of fact, Ben just went to the stockpile to get some Excedrin for his headache. I have enough pain relievers, cold/cough and headache medicine to sustain us for at least a year - and it's all name brand - all FREE.
And chapped lips don't stand a chance here. Between Aboy and the kids - they go through chapstick (blistex, carmex, etc) like we own stock in the company - because they lose it or it goes through the wash. Now, we have enough to last 2 years - all FREE.
So, this is the money I’m not spending – for things that enhance our quality of life – that I wouldn’t necessarily purchase when we go grocery shopping = additional savings.
When I post my “brag” pictures on Facebook of my receipts or items I got for next to nothing – the most frequent response is – “How do you do that?”, “Teach me!”, or “What’s the secret?”
Then when I share the links of the websites I follow and the amount of effort I put into it –all of a sudden, it sounds like shoveling shit again.
When I post my “brag” pictures on Facebook of my receipts or items I got for next to nothing – the most frequent response is – “How do you do that?”, “Teach me!”, or “What’s the secret?”
Then when I share the links of the websites I follow and the amount of effort I put into it –all of a sudden, it sounds like shoveling shit again.
I know couponing is not for everyone. You have to be very organized and disciplined to do it. Some people don’t have the time, strategic vision, or ambition to do it. I think in some cases – some people feel it is beneath them to coupon.
I look at it like this. If something is free (even if it’s something I don’t have a need for), I’m going to get it. If I use it – that’s money I’ve saved and I have become a contributor to the bottom line for our bank account. If it’s something I can’t use – I donate it. It’s not costing me anything – and given the economic climate and state of our country – I’m sure someone can use it. Either way – it’s not costing me anything (other than the cost of a newspaper).
I look at it like this. If something is free (even if it’s something I don’t have a need for), I’m going to get it. If I use it – that’s money I’ve saved and I have become a contributor to the bottom line for our bank account. If it’s something I can’t use – I donate it. It’s not costing me anything – and given the economic climate and state of our country – I’m sure someone can use it. Either way – it’s not costing me anything (other than the cost of a newspaper).
What’s funny is – I have been contemplating writing this post for a few weeks now. I read this BLOG yesterday and it just reinforced what I’ve been doing for the past few months and how valuable my hobby actually is.