Sunday, November 10, 2013 |

Law of Attraction

In the craziness of life I try to take time out to reflect on how blessed I am and how much I've accomplished.

As I'm growing older, with everyday - I try to become more optimistic. I like being happy. I like how I feel when there is no drama in my life. I like laughing.

Most importantly, I love my life.

By no means is it perfect. Shit, I thought because I survived teenagers - the rest would be smooth sailing!  No one warned me about adult children!

But, it's all good. I try to take each challenge and make it into an opportunity to learn and gain from it. There is no need to dwell on things I can't control. There is no need for me to worry about things that inevitably will work themselves out.

So, I wanted to put down on "paper" all the things that I am grateful for...

1.   My health
2.   My ability to think and verbalize the thoughts that cross my mind
3.   My humor and being able to laugh at myself
4.   My family (including my pets)
5.   My job with ***
6.   My bed & TV - both give me a way to relax
7.   My ability to coupon which also encompasses my talent to make something from nothing
8.   My computer & the internet - including facebook and other social media, which is not ideal - but it is a nice way for me to stay connected with family and friends and keep up with daily life
9.   That I am not perfect - it gives me something to aspire to
10. That I can do things for others and use my expertise to help them improve their lives

I invite you to do exactly what I did.

Things may not be going great for you. You might be in the middle of a shit storm... but, if you sit down and list out just a few of the positives that you have in your life - the Law of Attraction will open up the door for other things to start looking up.

I promise.

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