I learned at a young age that horse manure was gold and if you wanted to yield a fruitful garden the more shit, the better.
I have taken a new twist with my gardening. I would love to have 400 tomato plants like my grandfather but given my busy life, my long list of ongoing projects and my travel schedule I have to be more realistic.
Aboy has been turning the front flower beds over. He just did a fresh turn today as we begin to prepare the ground for spring planting.
The front beds will be used for yellow squash, zucchini, pumpkin and watermelon. These plants are climbers and crawlers and given we have 3 male dogs that piss on anything that doesn't move... the dogs don't have access to the front yard (if you get my drift).
Flower beds are not just for flowers any more!
Last year by chance, we grew a potato plant. I threw some old potatoes in the front flower bed and it rooted and grew. It only yielded 4 potatoes but we were so excited we looked on youtube for different ways to grow potatoes.
This year we are going to try potato towers. There are a couple different ways to build the tower. I've seen some people use garbage bags, old garbage cans, wood boxes and chicken wire.
We are going with the chicken wire option for a few different reasons.
1. We have a roll of chicken wire in the shed.
2. We want to grow a few different kinds of potatoes
3. Chicken wire was the cheapest option.
4. Of the videos we watched, the chicken wire ones seemed to yield the most potatoes.
5. They are reusable.
Right now we've got some Yukon Gold and Russets.
I've got red potatoes and baking potatoes that need to get planted. I also want to get some yams started.
These are also on the non-dog side of the fence... for obvious reasons, of course!
Don't let living in a small space prevent you from growing your own food!!
You can do anything with some determination and youtube!