We live in the country and our block doesn't have access to city water. We depend on an underground spring for our water supply. We've got 2 water pumps in the front yard and 1 depends on the other for water.
Apparently, from what our neighbors have told us - the block sits on rock so getting a reliable water supply is kind of a big deal.
When you turn on the faucet and no water comes out - of course the worst case scenario comes to mind...
First thing we did was call the plumber.
Second thing we did was run to the grocery store and get a couple gallons of bottled water.
Third thing we did was nothing strenuous. It's already hot outside and any type of movement would warrant a shower.
Thankfully the plumber found that the pump that fills our tank (that holds the water as it's pumped out) had a bad switch and a corroded "neck" (Whatever the fuck that meant). About an hour of fucking with it - and we had water again.
He then gave us a lesson of how the pumps worked. He showed Aboy that our main well goes down 600 feet and our chances of running out of water are slim to none.
Good to know and put our minds at ease (for now, anyways).
Sometimes living on a farm has its challenges!
Nothing that this NY girl can't handle!!