Tuesday, September 10, 2013 |

Juice Fast: Day 4

And I'm still rolling!

Today completed Day #4 of my juice fast. I weighed myself when I woke up - I lost another 1.4 pounds. My overall loss is now 6.4 pounds.

My energy level is great.

I did get a little hungry today. Nothing a glass of water and some green juice couldn't put to rest.

I'm so lucky to work from home. If I were to do this in an office environment, I don't know if I would have the will power to resist things like... COFFEE!! At least here, if I don't make it, I don't smell it. Out of sight, out of mind (although I think the thought is still lurking in the bellows of my brain).

Aboy came home for the night on a pass through from Oklahoma to Houston. He violated my produce stash!

That actually brings up a point... I had someone ask me "Isn't juicing expensive? I would need at least 6 apples for 1 glass of juice."

Without fasting - I spend about $30 per week on produce - and my fridge is packed! I check the circulars weekly for the best deals and what I can't price match at Walmart, I get from Aldi or Sack & Save (Sack & Save is the equivalent to Compare or C-Town). I also shop at a local Natural Grocery store (surprisingly, some organic vegetables are cheaper than the sales going on). My refrigerator stays stocked and the items that I can get on a great sale, I find recipes that I can make that week to accommodate or freeze them. Broccoli, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Green Beans... all freeze very well. I try not to freeze the produce I'll juice. I may freeze some fruits (Melon, Papaya, Strawberries, etc.) and then use them in a smoothie (instead of adding ice). Like this week - I got a great sale on Peaches, Plums and Nectarines... I'll definitely cut up and freeze what I don't juice.

So far in 4 days I've gone through:
2 Bunches of Organic Kale ($3.00)
3 Bunches of Spinach ($4.50)
2 Crowns of Broccoli ($1.59)
1 Bunch of Celery (99¢)
6 Cucumbers ($3.00)
2 Bags of Green Apples ($6.94)
1 Pineapple (99¢)
1 Papaya ($1.18)
4 Grapefruits (80¢) - they were on sale this week 5 for $1 - I picked up $2 worth
6 Kiwi ($2.00)
Ginger ($1.13) - I still have another week's worth of ginger left - but I didn't know how to measure the cost of what I used.

My total for the 4 days = $26.12.

I can spend $26 in 4 days on eating out for lunch... so, $26 for 4 days of "meals" is not so bad. It works out to just under $2.20 per meal.

Think of produce as seasonal. You'll obviously get apples cheaper when apples are in season. Watermelon is very cheap right now. So, work with what you've got. I've said before, there are some things I'm going to buy regardless of sale - like Kale, Broccoli, Celery, Cucumbers... it's produce so, I can't stockpile unless I freeze.

Here's another way I look at it. Every 3,000 miles (or so) you take your car in for service. Your car may be running great and may not need it - but you know that periodic maintenance will help keep it running better. If you avoid this, you may end up with a huge bill for repairs. Your body is the same way. It is best if you put the good things in on the front end and do a little preventative maintenance. If you end up at the Doctor's because you didn't maintain your body - you end up with a huge bill (or worse!).

It just makes sense.

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