So, you already know
I'll try (almost) anything once...
I was reading through a magazine and one of the featured writers was
asked if she does anything special... her response was "during the fall
and winter my husband and I do Souper Sundays". She said she makes a
big pot of soup with homemade bread and salads to go with it.
The homemade bread may be a stretch for me, but I can get with the
concept. I immediately texted Aboy and told him that I think
we should do that too. Even on the weekends that he may not be here - I
can make a huge pot of soup (stew, chili), freeze the leftovers and he
can take it with him and I can have it for during the week when I
don't feel like cooking.
The internet is loaded with vegetarian / flexatarian soup recipes. I
wouldn't have to have the same soup twice!
The first weekend after I end my fast will begin Souper Sunday for us!
I can't wait!