Friday, September 13, 2013 |

Juice Fast: Day 6 & 7

I missed my blog yesterday. I had to take care of some work stuff and when I got done, Aboy was here - and you know... priorities.

So, this is a combined Day 6 and Day 7. I'm down 9.2 pounds total. Not bad for 7 days worth of healthy living. I'm not hungry. It's almost as if my body is "satisfied" and I'm good.

Aboy said he can see the difference. I know my shirts are hanging nicer. When I took Raquel to the airport yesterday - I had to check the zipper on my shorts because it felt like it was open. Turns out - they're baggy now. I guess I'm doing this right on time for the change from "Hot" to "Cold". Makes for a good excuse to clean out my closet and go clothes shopping.

I am going to take a couple days off from fasting while Aboy's home. I will still juice for breakfast and lunch. I have a couple Vegan recipes I want to try with him. I'll go back to fasting when he goes back out.

By the way... Aboy has been doing his own thing on the truck. He juices most of the day and has a sensible dinner at night. He's down about 10 pounds too.

Of all the years of dieting and crazy things we've done to lose weight - I think the lesson we've learned is... it has to be a lifestyle change. Consciously we have made the decision to eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat and processed food. If you open my fridge now, compared to 5 years ago.. the contents have changed drastically. Most of my shopping is now done around the perimeter of the store. Most everything in the middle aisles is canned or boxed and honestly, the shit they're putting in those cans and boxes is mostly "food-like" products. They're not food.

To better understand why I say that - you should watch the movie Hungry For Change. We're being poisoned. It's all about money. True story.

So, I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll probably be back fasting on Monday. I'm going to enjoy some time (alone) with my husband!

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