Sunday, December 29, 2013
It was raining when we woke up this morning. The house was nice and warm. The coffee aroma seeped through the house and Aboy cooked our breakfast.
Yesterday was a very productive day. Since Aboy went right on the road after we moved in - I had started to accumulate a "honey-do" list for him. I know the last thing he wants to do when he comes in off the road is repair this and move that... but, unfortunately - I lost some of my he-man strength somewhere after my trick hip and bad back took over.
He hooked up the washing machine just before he left - but the drain pipe was rigged by the previous residents and my washer wasn't spinning out properly. Not to mention we had a 4-prong plug for our dryer in Denton and the outlet here is for a 3-prong (go figure!). So, I've been washing clothes - but, only a load here and there because I have to hang them up on hangers in the bathroom to air dry (and they aren't fully spun out). I could have went to the laundromat - but, it is a minimum 5 mile drive one-way to any type of retail outlet and the laundromat is 10 miles away from us.
Mission accomplished yesterday! Aboy got some pallets to raise the washer and dryer off the floor (they're in the cellar). He fixed the pipe so it's draining properly and he put a 3-prong plug on the back of our dryer. I am in laundry heaven right now!
Turtle (who has to take residence in the cellar till spring), was not impressed with all the noise and action that was going on. He was more concerned that his heater had to be turned off while Aboy was working. He propped himself right next to it when we turned it back on - to let us know, he likes his heater.
So, my Sunday has turned into a lazy Sunday. The rain has stopped. My clothes are clean. The house is clean. Souper Sunday is about to kick off.
This is the view from our back patio.
This is where my laundry facilities reside (and Turtle!).
Sunday, December 8, 2013
You guys know that I've changed up the way I eat. I have been staying away from products with High Fructose Corn Syrup and Monosodium Glutamate. Most of the food products that are promoted with coupons - have one or both of these ingredients in them. Needless to say - I don't use a lot of coupons while couponing for food... however, if there is a deal that I can't walk away from - I will still get it and donate it to the local food bank (if you're hungry, you're probably not reading labels).
So, the question came up: "How do you get fresh produce with no coupons"
Produce does offer coupons from time to time; not often enough for me to base my grocery shopping or stockpile on it. I shop sales for my fresh items. Also, there may be cabinet food (rice, pasta, beans, etc) that rarely have a coupon; I have a strategy for that too.
Some of the important things when shopping for whole foods (items that don't have chemicals in them) is:
1. Know your prices! Items that you need may go on sale "10 for $10"... but, if you are purchasing an item that normally sells for 79¢ and now they have it on sale for $1 - that's not a bargain! It looks good because the store circular has it on the front page with all kinds of glitter around it - but, when you know the cost of the items you purchase - you know that it would be cheaper to buy it when it's not "on sale". Be careful of BOGO (Buy one Get one free) deals, too - a lot of times they increase the retail price of the bought one and you end up spending the same as if you bought 2 during a non-sales cycle. Another thing to be aware of is price variances by store. I can drive a 1/2 block to another grocery store and the same item is selling for $1.50 more (on sale).
2. Purchase Price vs Stock Up Price. Items generally go on sale every 6 to 8 weeks. If you are trying to Stock Up on cabinet or items you can freeze, know how much you will need to get you through until the next sales cycle. If you run out of something and it is not in it's sales cycle, only buy enough to get you through until the next sale. Know your price points. Understand what is a Purchase Price or a Stock Up Price.
Price Point Example 1: Fresh Chicken Breasts normally sell for (about) $1.99 per pound. You see the sales for the week and you find it on sale for $1.19 per pound. STOCK UP! Buy as much as you can fit in your freezer or what you'll need until the next time it goes on sale.
Price Point Example 2: Fresh Broccoli normally sells for $1.19 per pound (or $2.00 a bunch). It goes on sale for 78¢ a pound or 10 for $10 (a bunch)... STOCK UP!
Both of these fresh items will store in your freezer!
BTW, I coupon for freezer bags!
3. Shop the Clearance Rack. Because of laws that are in place to protect us - understanding your "Sell By" and "Use By" dates can help you land some great deals. Meat, produce and other items will go on clearance or close-out. Obviously meat and produce will go bad and the store wants to get some monetary return for their initial investment so they will reduce the cost to get them out the door. I inspect everything before I put it in my cart (look, smell, etc)... but, don't think because they have it reduced it's because it's going bad - they are just approaching the point that if they don't get it out the door, their store will take a loss on that item. This would be a STOCK UP too, if you can freeze these items or use them immediately.
Clearance Example: I was in the produce section at Kroger. They had fresh pre-packaged collard greens on clearance for 99¢ a bag (normally $2.49 a bag). They were set to "Sell by" the next day - so, they were trying to get rid of them. I cleared the shelf (8 bags), brought them home and put them right in the freezer! What would have cost me almost $20 - I only paid $7.92!
4. Price Match. If I'm out couponing, I may have items from 4 or 5 different stores in my car. Some of you may not have time to run to 4 or 5 different stores to get 2 items from 1 store and 4 items from another. Your salvation is Price Match. Walmart will match any competitor's price (<---Click that!) for the same item (size, brand, etc). They even match store brand stuff - so, if you find that a store is running a special on (let's say) their Store Brand sugar - you can purchase the Great Value sugar for the same price - as long as it's the same size & type. Target does price matching too - but, to me - it's a hassle (listen to me whine...) because you have to go to Customer Service to get your price matched deal overage refunded or if the deal was because you needed a rewards card, they won't honor it (it's some bullshit).
5. Aldi. Yup! This (hardly) no-brand-name grocery store always has some phenomenal deals on produce and frozen items. AND... a lot of their products are not made with HFCS or MSG (like their bread)!!! They have a line of organic and Healthy Fit products that are cheaper (and IMO) taste better than some of your major chain grocery stores. Don't forget your quarter (to get your cart) or your own grocery bags to carry the stuff home... it is the modern day version of no frills - but they have some great stuff!
Those are the main ways I reduce the cost of my Fresh Food expenses. When I do that and pay next to nothing for my cleaning, personal care and other household items - it helps keep down the cost of running my house.
Take a minute to think about this... with the convenience of everything we have access to (cleaning products that cut your cleaning time, food items that reduce your time in the kitchen)... we have really been conditioned to believe we have to spend money in order to live. I am debunking that thought process. I don't have chickens or cows in my backyard and if I grow a garden it's seasonal (although I can freeze or can things) - so there are things that I depend on from the grocery store (mostly) out of convenience. I am NOT going to pay a lot of money for items that just go down the drain or I am just going to throw out when I'm done with them. Knowing that - I am NOT going to pay a lot of money for anything else either.
If I hit Powerball for a zillion dollars - I would still coupon and shop for deals. The things that we use and need to live should not dictate how we spend our money, that should be our decision.
Just like couponing - this takes time. It's really retraining how you think about shopping. Research, planning and strategy come into play. Once you train yourself and learn your prices, when the best time to buy something (summer is a great time to stock up on condiments, January is a great time for health related items...), sales cycles and how often you run out of something... you can really slash your grocery costs in half (or more)!!
You will have to allocate space to store your items, but the first time you run out of something and all you do is go to your stockpile to "shop"... it makes it all worth it!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
When you
own a dog (or pets in general) - you are generally connected to your home. They
are children that depend on you for food, water and care. When you make travel
plans or extended time away from the house - you have to consider who is going
to care for them while you are away.
One of
the greatest rewards that my babies bring me is no matter how bad my day went -
they are excited to see me when I walk through the door. It quickly brings you
back to reality that you are loved.
In the
Thanksgiving spirit I think it’s appropriate to share an observation I made
this morning.
morning we have a routine. All the babies (even the Nuisance) sleep in the bed
with me (the reason we needed a king size mattress!). I can tell when it’s time
to wake up because they start to stir when it’s time to go out.
Like a
coach – I get them amped to go outside. I start with the chant “Which babies
want to go outside?!?” – this way, even if it’s windy or cold – everyone is
excited to go outside (when it’s raining they get to go out the front door for
a quick supervised outing). I count them off as they run out the side door and
they all run out like gang busters to inspect the backyard and the boys
generally piss on everything that doesn’t move.
they’re out – I take care of my stuff… I usually have about 15 to 20 minutes to
prepare my day before the babies want to come back inside. When Ed starts “yelling”
(it is THE MOST annoying single bark) and Poopie & Shady start scratching
at the door, and Weeshy is bouncing up and down – I know they are done and it’s
time to come in… which brings me to my observation.
the babies come back in the house – they run right to the kitchen to the pantry
(where I keep their snacks). It is very routine and calculated which they get
excited about every morning! Poopie (who is 10) jumps up and down like a puppy,
Ed begs with both paws, Weeshy jumps straight up in the air (about 2 feet vertically)
and Shady bolts back and forth and jumps on me. To me, this is a routine. To
them, it is obviously a highlight to their day.
So, how
many things do you do - day in and day out… the routine – but you take for
granted? In the scheme of things – wouldn’t it be nice to have that much
excitement and anticipation for something that seems like it’s a given but is
truly a treat?
Thanksgiving we won’t be having a big elaborate meal. My family is all over the
United States – but I have so many things that I am thankful for.
things like…
I have a
big comfy bed that I share with my loved ones
I have
electric to brew my coffee (and COFFEE!!)
I have a
car to drive to go buy dog snacks
Not to
mention the multitude of friends and family that make every day special for me…
always hear “Take time to smell the roses”… I think my dogs really showed me
that lesson this morning.
Thanksgiving 2013!!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
This is definitely for the lazy cook!
The entire prep took me 10 minutes (most of that was peeling / cubing the potatoes)
Great meal for
1. you don't feel good
2. you don't feel like cooking
3. you're freezing
4. you're cleaning out your fridge / freezer
I made enough for dinner and a couple days of leftovers (so, adjust accordingly)
2 Boneless Chicken Breasts (chunked up)
4 Potatoes (peeled and diced into cubes)
1 medium onion diced
1 lb bag of frozen mixed vegetables (peas, carrots, corn, green beans)
1 carton (I think it's 32 oz) of Chicken Stock
1 pack of Goya Chicken Broth
1 cup of water
1 tbsp. parsley
Salt & Pepper to taste (I would wait till it's done to add salt & pepper - the broth / stock combo can be a little salty)
Put all the ingredients in a large pot. Bring to a boil. Let it boil for about 10-15 minutes (to cook the chicken). Simmer for 15 minutes on medium heat.
That's it!
Serve with bread and maybe a salad! Chicken soup ALWAYS hits the spot!
In the craziness of life I try to take time out to reflect on how blessed I am and how much I've accomplished.
As I'm growing older, with everyday - I try to become more optimistic. I like being happy. I like how I feel when there is no drama in my life. I like laughing.
Most importantly, I love my life.
By no means is it perfect. Shit, I thought because I survived teenagers - the rest would be smooth sailing! No one warned me about adult children!
But, it's all good. I try to take each challenge and make it into an opportunity to learn and gain from it. There is no need to dwell on things I can't control. There is no need for me to worry about things that inevitably will work themselves out.
So, I wanted to put down on "paper" all the things that I am grateful for...
1. My health
2. My ability to think and verbalize the thoughts that cross my mind
3. My humor and being able to laugh at myself
4. My family (including my pets)
5. My job with ***
6. My bed & TV - both give me a way to relax
7. My ability to coupon which also encompasses my talent to make something from nothing
8. My computer & the internet - including facebook and other social media, which is not ideal - but it is a nice way for me to stay connected with family and friends and keep up with daily life
9. That I am not perfect - it gives me something to aspire to
10. That I can do things for others and use my expertise to help them improve their lives
I invite you to do exactly what I did.
Things may not be going great for you. You might be in the middle of a shit storm... but, if you sit down and list out just a few of the positives that you have in your life - the Law of Attraction will open up the door for other things to start looking up.
I promise.
If you're not familiar with "stacking" - it is a great way of combining a store coupon with a manufacturer's coupon to save additional money. If you take that combination and add it to a store sale... JACKPOT!!
Some grocery stores, drug store chains and big box stores offer store coupons.
A few weeks ago I went to Target and stumbled on this great deal:
Target had a sale on L'Oreal Hair Color
I had a Target coupon + a Manufacturer's coupon
The Target coupon was actually for $2 off (misprint from the Target website).
My total out of pocket was $1.99 each - plus tax.
I found this recipe on Facebook. I have made it a few times and when you're in a rush or don't know what you feel like eating - this is very quick and easy. I always make sure I have the ingredients on hand.
I can promise you - the taste is restaurant quality!
I like to add some garlic bread and a glass of red wine. If I play some Billy Joel, I feel like I'm back on Long Island eating in my grandparent's kitchen!
Tomato Basil Pasta
12 ounces pasta (I prefer linguine or fettuccine)
*depending on the thickness of the pasta - you may need to add a little water
1 large can diced tomatoes with the juice
1 large sweet onion, cut in julienne strips
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
2 teaspoons dried oregano leaves
2 large sprigs basil, chopped
4 1/2 cups vegetable stock
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Parmesan cheese for garnish
*I also add about a pound of Asparagus cut into 1 inch pieces - I like the flavor it adds to the pot. Aldi sells frozen asparagus - so, I always have a couple bags in the freezer.
Place pasta, tomatoes, asparagus, onion, garlic, basil, in a large stock pot. Pour in vegetable broth. Sprinkle on top the pepper flakes and oregano. Drizzle top with oil.
Cover the pot and bring to a boil. Reduce to a low simmer and keep covered and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes or so. Cook until almost all liquid has evaporated – I leave about an inch of liquid in the bottom of the pot because the noodles are going to absorb it anyway once it cools.
The starch leaches out of the noodles and makes a rich, warm sauce for the noodles. The other ingredients cook right along with the pasta Ingredients.
No straining, just stirring!
Season to taste with salt and pepper, stirring pasta several times to distribute the liquid in the bottom of the pot.
Serve garnished with Parmesan cheese.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
O. M. G.!!!
Today began Souper Sunday. My first selection is Roasted Vegetable Soup.
I always do chili or stew, so adding a real "soup" is nice... especially because it is absolutely dee-lish!
I found the recipe here
1 head garlic
3 pt. cherry tomatoes
2 large bell peppers, cut into ½-inch chunks
2 medium zucchini, cut into ½-inch chunks
¼ cup olive oil
½ tsp. smoked paprika
1 cup frozen corn kernels, thawed
4 Tbs. sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar
Preheat oven to 450°F
- Rub papery skin off garlic, and cut off top of head to expose clove tips. Place on square of foil, and drizzle with 1 Tbs. water. Wrap garlic, and roast 35 to 40 minutes, or until soft.
- Toss tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, and oil with paprika in large bowl. Season with salt and pepper, if desired. Spread on 2 baking sheets, and roast 35 to 40 minutes, or until vegetables are browned and tender, stirring once. Cool 10 minutes.
- Squeeze roasted garlic cloves into bowl of food processor; add half of roasted vegetables and 1 cup water. Blend until smooth, then transfer to large bowl or saucepan. Pulse remaining vegetables in food processor until chopped, then stir into puréed soup with corn and vinegar. Warm, if necessary.
So, I have to tell yous... it is Uh-MAY-Zing!
I added a variation (because I beat to my own drum)....
I only did 1 TBS of Red Wine Vinegar
and I added a 1/2 roasted eggplant - to the ingredients (I had it in the fridge)
Instead of water I used vegetable stock
and I added extra corn
and a can of black beans...
The hardest part was the mess. You have to run the roasted veggies through the food processor... but other than that - I am very pleased!
It is very hearty and full of flavor!!! The Paprika added a nice yum to it!
And, I baked bread!!
Another meatless meal - added to the menu!
Saturday, September 28, 2013
I've been away for a
few days - attending to life.
I had an old friend come to town on Monday. We met for drinks and
dinner. It was the first meal I'd had since the week before so, my
selection was a Spinach Salad with Apples, Tomatoes, Walnuts and
Cranberries. It was very satisfying. I washed it down with some Bud
Light - my other favorite juice!
Tuesday I started my exit from fasting. I have lost 15 pounds total on
this fast. I have 15 more to go. I will do another fast in a
couple of weeks. I need to keep my body guessing to keep my metabolism
up and also allow it to catch up to the rapid weight loss.
The Transition
Everyone probably has their own way of transitioning back to whole
food. Mine works for me and helped me keep off almost all of the 23
pounds I lost last year.
Some thoughts for the transition:
- Continue to
drink a lot of water. Sometimes I add Lemons
to my water. Lemon is a natural internal antiseptic which helps remove
free radicals and toxins.
- Continue to
have juice for a couple meals per day (meal replace). Choose a meal (I
usually do dinner) that you add in food. After a couple of days, add in
a second meal - until you're completely transitioned back.
- You have
been drinking fruits and vegetables for "X" amount of days... start
adding those fruits and vegetables as food, not juice.
- Find some
recipes that utilize beans (black, pink, red, white). Beans are a great
source of protein and make you feel full when mixed in with vegetables
and a starch.
- Try to stay
away from meat for the first few days. If you must, have a piece of
chicken, turkey or fish (preferably baked or broiled) - no larger than
a deck of cards.
- Portion
control. Don't let your mind trick you into thinking that you've been
deprived. On the contrary, your body has been getting everything it
needs. Your mind controls a lot of what you put in your mouth. Win that
- Don't get
into a routine (this is my personal struggle). It's easy to go back to
your old ways - because it's more than likely your old ways were easy.
Make the effort to make fresh juice. Make the effort to prepare your
food from scratch. This is just disciplining yourself to take care of
- Stay away
from processed and fast food. No explanation needed.
Everyone is on a
journey. We may be on different paths but inevitably most of us have
the same goal to live a happy rewarding life. Getting there is all
about balance. You can't eat cookies and chips everyday without adding
in more healthy choices to balance it out. You are what you eat and
food like products generally don't come from the earth, they come from
a science lab. Don't be a science project.
I think (on a food perspective) if we get back to a simpler time before
fast food restaurants and boxed foods - we'll all start to see some of
the chronic illnesses that are crippling our society, reverse
I truly believe that.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
It's a
beautiful day
today. We had a huge storm come through on Thursday and it broke the
heat and humidity. We've been going down in the high 50's the past 2
nights. I've turned off the A/C and opened all the windows. I love
weather like this.
Sunday mornings around Denton are generally a ghost town. The crisp air
in our bedroom this morning made me want to go for a bike ride.
After 9am, when
the church crowd starts moving around - it can get hectic... but,
Denton is a college town. Not too many college kids can wake up for
class - let alone church. If you stay off the main roads - it's really
a nice peaceful way of touring, without looking like you're casing the
neighborhood. Even some of the main roads have bike lanes - it's a bike
friendly town.
Let me give you a little history on my bike.
In 2008, when we
talking about following Raquel to Texas to watch her play basketball -
Aboy and I would have conversations like, "when we get there - we can
buy his and her motorcycles, this way when it's not basketball season -
we can take long rides and enjoy the scenery".
HA! That never
So, meet my Harley (or Honda, Kawasaki, etc...)

She's the best we could do. Turns out - life was just as hectic in
Texas as it's been every where else we've lived! Work, the kids, life
in general... not much time for us to make the time and money
investment in motorcycles...
But, that's OK. Owning a motorcycle (for me, anyway) is on the bucket
list. I'll be 60 years old - chilling on a Honda Shadow, going to the
grocery store (don't forget the knapsack on my back - holding my
Well, as I live in the present, we did end up picking up 2 beach
cruisers in 2009 when we first moved here. We were living in Grand
Prairie at the time. I was carless for a while and would take my beach
cruiser to the post office, the grocery store and the convenience
store. I felt like I was 13 years old again!
I call her my Cadillac now because she sits in the garage and only comes out for a tour on nice days.
Over the past few years - Aboy would ask, "Do you want to get rid of
the bikes? It's not like we ride them" and I'd always say no. We had a garage sale last year and had them on the front lawn so we could get things out of the garage and you wouldn't believe how many people wanted to buy them.
For days like today - is the reason I say no.
Look at some of my great (corny-ass) features!
The basket and rack:
the point of riding to the store if I have no way of carrying anything

My seat:
(a little wide
with gel cushion)

And most
important - My bell:
(which I use when I pass other cyclists and pedestrians)

It also boasts white wall
tires, a chain guard and a kick stand - all standard, of course. There are no gears and the brakes are the kind that you have to push back with the pedals. We went old school!
I have to admit - I feel like Miss Gulch when I ride
the damn thing...
I grew up in the 70's. We didn't have shit like helmuts, elbow pads or
knee pads (sometimes, my bike didn't even have brakes!).
If you're in your 40's and you don't own a bike, you should get one! You can find one for under $100 and it's a great way to stay young!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Last week I
did a combined Day 6 & 7. Today I'm doing a combined Day 3
& 4...
There must be something about my creative juices and the end of the week.
So, technically - I've been doing the juice fast for 11 days.
Technically I've dropped 14.2 pounds.
One of the girls' friends was at the house last night and said "You
look different"... I hadn't seen him in a couple weeks - so, I guess my
face is showing the weight loss. Plus, I don't have any bags under my
eyes. I've been very mindful during this juice fast to listen to my
body and go to bed early (which is also resulting in 5am wake ups!).
I'm happy to say I am diligently getting my water consumption
completed. That is huge for me. Just a few years ago, I argued with
Aboy that coffee was made from water which equated to my daily H20
intake! Also, when the ice melted in my soda - I would get water that
way, too!
Speaking of... I've given up soda. Back when the kids were kids, I
could drink a 2 liter Coke a day. My addiction was BAD! For me to sit
here and type that I don't drink soda anymore would be the equivalent
of someone giving up smoking or drugs... I was that addicted. For a few
years, Aboy and I switched to diet but when we found out that diet soda
is actually worse for you than real soda - we switched back to the
authentic sugary stuff. What really flipped a switch in my mind that I
really didn't need it anymore... High Fructose Corn Syrup. That shit is
liquid poison. Read your labels. If it doesn't have HFCS, it has
Monosodium Glutamate. The food manufacturers are killing us and we are
eating "food-like" products. Food is found in the meat, dairy and
produce sections of your supermarket... not in a box.
OK, I've stepped off my soap box.
I've been getting some riding in on my cycle. Today I did 23.71 miles.
My legs will be tone - the rest of my body will look like mashed
potatoes. LMAO! I am going to get back on the treadmill. I'd like to
lose another 6 pounds (at least), but I do need to start firming. My
eventual goal for myself will be the Couch to 5K.
I don't know that I'll ever run a 5K... but knowing that I'm in good
enough shape to do it - is my goal. The last time I did it, I popped
not 1 but both calf muscles! I pulled them so bad, I couldn't
barely walk for over a month! And you can just imagine the lecture I
got from Aboy (the ex-Jock Bodybuilder)!! Fuhgetaboutit!
That's all the news I have to report for today. Excuse me while I enjoy
my Iced Lemon Water.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Part of detoxing
is keeping the body moving (if you get my drift)...
Dandelion Tea, Dandelion Greens and Chia Seeds are all a part of my
juicing now.
I have to be honest - Dandelion Greens are extremely bitter! Nothing a
little Pineapple or Mango can't mask though!
For the Dandelion Tea - I drop in a little honey.
My Chia Seeds - I add them to anything "thick" because nothing goes
down worse then chunky thick seeds in a nice clear juice!
All this - plus some dieter's tea are helping me remain a happy juicer.
Today is Part II - Day 2 of my Juice Fast. I dropped another pound...
What is really interesting (as I do this self science experiment)...
your mind has so much control over what you put in your mouth. On
Monday, when I did my day of prep - the hunger and mind games my brain
was trying to coerce me to believe were unbelievable! Yesterday was
easier. Today was a breeze. No more hunger. Even more intriguing was
the lack of temptation!
I'm thinking - and this is a stretch - but, because of all the
micro-nutrients, my body sends signals to my brain that it's full.
Which also got me thinking... how I'm going to have to be more
disciplined after the fasting to make sure I keep my natural nutrient
levels up to avoid unnecessary hunger and over-eating.
I'm not for taking pills every day. This is why I've started juicing.
I'm not getting any younger. I want to see my grandkids grandkids. That
is not a stretch either. My Great-Grandmother lived until she was 109
years old. My Grandfather just passed away earlier this year at
94...there is some longevity in my family.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
So, you already know
I'll try (almost) anything once...
I was reading through a magazine and one of the featured writers was
asked if she does anything special... her response was "during the fall
and winter my husband and I do Souper Sundays". She said she makes a
big pot of soup with homemade bread and salads to go with it.
The homemade bread may be a stretch for me, but I can get with the
concept. I immediately texted Aboy and told him that I think
we should do that too. Even on the weekends that he may not be here - I
can make a huge pot of soup (stew, chili), freeze the leftovers and he
can take it with him and I can have it for during the week when I
don't feel like cooking.
The internet is loaded with vegetarian / flexatarian soup recipes. I
wouldn't have to have the same soup twice!
The first weekend after I end my fast will begin Souper Sunday for us!
I can't wait!
Yesterday I
started a partial fast. Why I say "partial" is because I was incredibly
hungry so, I ate some of my fruits and vegetables - just to
make my mind think I was eating.
Today was definitely better. So, I'll say today was my first day back
for Part II of my juice fast.
I had a nice weekend with Aboy home but,
definitely could have did without that milkshake and new pretzel roll
hot dog from Sonic!
It's a journey...
I actually didn't do so bad
Saturday, I had a juice for
breakfast and the Zucchini Casserole over pasta for lunch / dinner -
then Aboy and I went to Dairy Queen and got ice cream.
It was Sunday
wasn't all that great.
I had a juice for breakfast. I went to pick
Raquel up from DFW and it was all downhill from there (HAHA!)... we
stopped at Cheddars because Ben was working and I had my favorite
("Chicken, French Fries, YES!!") and then for dinner we had that pretzel
hot dog thingy.
Sunday morning before the grits hit the pan.. I went to Dollar General
to pick up a couple of small pitchers. I hit the clearance jackpot! All
the summer pitchers and containers were on sale plus, they had plastic
measuring cups on sale too.

What I don't have pictured is the (5) half gallon covered juice
containers (they have screw-on flip-top lids) that Aboy can use for his
water and juices that he makes and freezes when he comes home. This is
better than buying the juices from the stores (Naked, Boathouse,
etc)... anything you can make from scratch is always better for you.
I'm holding steady at 10 pounds dropped. I'm sure over the next day or
so, I'll see some movement, again; once I wash the weekend out of my
system. Thankfully getting back on the wagon is not hard. Since Aboy
generally stays out for about 14 days - this will give me some time to
really reboot my system. I figure when he comes back in - I'll come off
for a few days and go back on again when he goes back out. The detox is
already happening - I feel great, but I'd like to drop about 30 pounds
before the holidays. That's the (tentative) plan, anyway.
Once I'm ready to stop, there will be an actual adjustment period. I
told you early on - I'll share the plan as that time draws

**For my couponing friends: I spent 37¢ each on the measuring cups (I got 8), 67¢ each on the purple and green pitchers (I got 2) and $1 each on the half gallon containers (5 of them - not pictured).
Saturday, September 14, 2013
This is so good,
I have to share!
How many ways can you cook zucchini? Seriously, there is not much to do
with it except stir fry, roast it, make bread and add it to sauce. So,
I'm always looking for different ways to get it into my meals because
(1) it's cheap, (2) it's plentiful, (3) it's very good for you (it is,
after all - a vegetable).
I found a recipe in my Forks over Knives cookbook. It's a casserole of
sorts. I added some of my own ideas and I have a zucchini recipe to die
for! If you'd like to incorporate a meatless night, but don't want to
miss out on that "comfort" feeling - this is your recipe! We love
cheese - so, this makes a great main dish, side dish or even topping
over some pasta (or rice). The recipe below fits into a square baking
dish. It makes enough for me & Aboy with leftovers that freeze
well - for nights that I don't feel like cooking.
Zucchini Casserole
Zucchini (I used 2 green & 2 yellow squash)
2 Large
1 Medium Onion
(although, I used 1 purple and 1 yellow - we like onions)
1 Jar of
Alfredo Sauce
Basil Pesto (I
usually buy this pre-made from the cooler section in the grocery store)
Cheese (Italian Blend or Mozzarella) - Optional
I start off by
slicing the onion(s) into slivers. I sauté them on medium heat with
some Olive Oil and let them get soft.
While the onion(s) are sautéing, I dice the zucchini into bite-size
Do a layer of pesto... smeared over the zucchini.
Pour the jar of alfredo sauce over the pesto.
Put the sautéed onions as the next layer. Dice the tomatoes and put
them over the onions. We like cheese, so I usually top the whole thing
off with the shredded cheese.
I cook it for about 30 minutes on 350. Don't over cook... mushy
zucchini is nasty!
(I put the baking dish on a cookie sheet - in case the cheese bubbles
put it over pasta. Serve with garlic bread and salad.

Friday, September 13, 2013
I missed my blog
yesterday. I had to take care of some work stuff and when I got done,
Aboy was here - and you know... priorities.
So, this is a combined Day 6 and Day 7. I'm down 9.2 pounds total. Not
bad for 7 days worth of healthy living. I'm not hungry. It's almost as
if my body is "satisfied" and I'm good.
Aboy said he can see the difference. I know my shirts are hanging
nicer. When I took Raquel to the airport yesterday - I had to check the
zipper on my shorts because it felt like it was open. Turns out -
they're baggy now. I guess I'm doing this right on time for the change
from "Hot" to "Cold". Makes for a good excuse to clean out my closet
and go clothes shopping.
I am going to take a couple days off from fasting while Aboy's home. I
will still juice for breakfast and lunch. I have a couple Vegan recipes
I want to try with him. I'll go back to fasting when he goes back out.
By the way... Aboy has been doing his own thing on the truck. He juices
most of the day and has a sensible dinner at night. He's down about 10
pounds too.
Of all the years of dieting and crazy things we've done to lose weight
- I think the lesson we've learned is... it has to be a lifestyle
change. Consciously we have made the decision to eat more fruits and
vegetables and less meat and processed food. If you open my fridge now,
compared to 5 years ago.. the contents have changed drastically. Most
of my shopping is now done around the perimeter of the store. Most
everything in the middle aisles is canned or boxed and honestly, the
shit they're putting in those cans and boxes is mostly "food-like"
products. They're not food.
To better understand why I say that - you should watch the movie Hungry For Change. We're being poisoned. It's all about money. True story.
So, I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll probably be back fasting
on Monday. I'm going to enjoy some time (alone) with my husband!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Not much for typing today.
I lost another pound - makes 7.4 pounds total.
I would like to say that if you're going to do a juice fast, consult
your physician first and don't get locked into just 1 or 2 juices.
Variety is the spice of life and it's very important to include all
types of fruits and vegetables into your juice selection so you reap the
benefits of all the good stuff that each 1 provides.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
I know this is
cliché - but, I've reacquainted myself with my taste
buds. All the years of processed foods and comfort foods - I forgot how
sweet a Red Delicious Apple really is.
One of the staples of my juicing is Green Juice.
I've tweaked the "recipe" to my taste. Aboy puts the kitchen sink PLUS
garlic in his - it's too much going on. I understand his reasoning -
he's trying to get in as much as he can in 1 shot... I have to enjoy
what I'm drinking. I like the different flavors.
I wash everything thoroughly. Unless I buy farm stand cucumbers, I peel
them. I leave on the lemon rind. I scrub the apples with a produce
brush (and if they're "waxy" - I soak them in an apple cider vinegar
& water solution).
For my green juice I always use the same base recipe and then I may add in
broccoli, spinach, chard, or most recently - dandelion greens.
Base Recipe:
Bunch of Kale (4-5 leaves)
2 Long Celery Stalks
1 Cucumber
2 Green Apples
1/2 Lemon
Thumb of Ginger (about an inch)
I may add in 2
Broccoli Crowns or a couple fistfuls of spinach.. I'm usually driven by
what I have in the fridge.
There is no limit to how much I drink. This yields about 24 ounces of
juice. I try to drink the juice when I make it - but if I feel "full",
I may finish as a snack or filler.
There is enough vitamins, nutrients (and pick any other good word) in
this recipe to replace a meal. If you're not up for fasting - this
would make a great lunch. Most of the vegetables I consume are loaded
with protein and calcium (plus all kinds of other stuff).
Forget slimfast - this is so much better for you!
And I'm still rolling!
Today completed Day #4 of my juice fast. I weighed myself when I woke
up - I lost another 1.4 pounds. My overall loss is now 6.4 pounds.
My energy level is great.
I did get a little hungry today. Nothing a glass of water and some
green juice couldn't put to rest.
I'm so lucky to work from home. If I were to do this in an office
environment, I don't know if I would have the will power to resist
things like... COFFEE!! At least here, if I don't make it, I don't
smell it. Out of sight, out of mind (although I think the thought is
still lurking in the bellows of my brain).
Aboy came home for the night on a pass through from Oklahoma to
Houston. He violated my produce stash!
That actually brings up a point... I had someone ask me "Isn't juicing
expensive? I would need at least 6 apples for 1 glass of juice."
Without fasting - I spend about $30 per week on produce - and my fridge
is packed! I check the circulars weekly for the best deals and what I
can't price match at Walmart, I get from Aldi or Sack & Save
(Sack & Save is the equivalent to Compare or C-Town). I also
shop at a local Natural Grocery store (surprisingly, some organic
vegetables are cheaper than the sales going on). My refrigerator stays
stocked and the items that I can get on a great sale, I find recipes
that I can make that week to accommodate or freeze them. Broccoli,
Cauliflower, Asparagus, Green Beans... all freeze very well. I try not
to freeze the produce I'll juice. I may freeze some fruits (Melon,
Papaya, Strawberries, etc.) and then use them in a smoothie (instead of
adding ice). Like this week - I got a great sale on Peaches, Plums and
Nectarines... I'll definitely cut up and freeze what I don't juice.
So far in 4 days I've gone through:
2 Bunches of Organic Kale ($3.00)
3 Bunches of Spinach ($4.50)
2 Crowns of Broccoli ($1.59)
1 Bunch of Celery (99¢)
6 Cucumbers ($3.00)
2 Bags of Green Apples ($6.94)
1 Pineapple (99¢)
1 Papaya ($1.18)
4 Grapefruits (80¢) - they were on sale this week 5 for $1 - I picked
up $2 worth
6 Kiwi ($2.00)
Ginger ($1.13) - I still have another week's worth of ginger left - but
I didn't know how to measure the cost of what I used.
My total for the 4 days = $26.12.
I can spend $26 in 4 days on eating out for lunch... so, $26 for 4 days
of "meals" is not so bad. It works out to just under $2.20 per meal.
Think of produce as seasonal. You'll obviously get apples cheaper when
apples are in season. Watermelon is very cheap right now. So, work with
what you've got. I've said before, there are some things I'm going to
buy regardless of sale - like Kale, Broccoli, Celery, Cucumbers... it's
produce so, I can't stockpile unless I freeze.
Here's another way I look at it. Every 3,000 miles (or so) you take
your car in for service. Your car may be running great and may not need
it - but you know that periodic maintenance will help keep it running
better. If you avoid this, you may end up with a huge bill for repairs.
Your body is the same way. It is best if you put the good things in
on the front end and do a little preventative maintenance. If you end up at the Doctor's because you
didn't maintain your body - you end up with a huge bill (or worse!).
It just makes sense.
Monday, September 9, 2013
... Is DONE!
I'm sitting here sipping my dinner juice, as I type!
I woke up without the alarm clock this morning. A sign (for me) that my
energy level is rising.
The scale tells me that I am down another 2.8 pounds. That is 5 pounds
total in 2 days.
I added Chia Seeds to my dinner juice today. Just some insurance that I
don't have a repeat of the issue I endured on the last Juice Fast. I'll
have some herbal tea, just before I go to sleep.
So, other than that - and getting another 30 or so minutes on my bike... day 3 is a wrap!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
I hate beets. They look nasty. They have a funny crunch (like water chestnuts). I just never liked them when I was growing up.
So, as much as I don't like them - you'd think... well, why are you drinking them?
Beets have SO many healing properties. They are a natural liver cleanser. They clean the digestive track and they clean your kidneys.
So, I told you I wasn't a big fan of juicing when Aboy first started. The idea behind trying juicing was to be able to get more fruits and vegetables in. That includes things that I wouldn't normally eat.
I try to include beets into my regimen a couple times a week.
Some things that you should know (so you don't freak out)...
Beets will turn your pee orange (almost red)
Beets will make your poop change colors
Beets work pretty quickly - if you know what I mean
Beets are not for the weak!!
For my Beet Juice I use 1 Beet + 4 Apples. I also like to add in a thumb (about an inch) of Ginger.
Aboy prefers Red Delicious. I use whatever Apples I have.
I cut off the dirty parts that I can't get clean with my produce brush. Mud in my juice is not cool. I wash the apples and ginger off too.
Everything goes in the juicer.
Day 2 is (almost) in
the books.
I've gotta finish drinking my "dinner" juice and It will be official.
I started getting another headache last night. I went with it and took a couple ibuprofens and drank a big glass of water. I was asleep before 9 pm and I was up a little after 7 am. My body was trying to tell me something - I obliged.
Today was a much better day.
So, good news for today is - no headaches. I weighed myself this morning and I dropped 2.2 pounds since yesterday. Energy level is improving and no cravings. I road the bike for 45 minutes.
Strategically, I try to get to
the stores early on Sundays before the church crowd hits and the heat
kicks in. I can't deal with both those circumstances at the same time.
Someone will get cursed out.
I'm approaching the coasting stage.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Today was OK.
Generally the first few days are tough. It's such an extreme (food)
makeover - no matter how much you prepare, there's still an adjustment
I'm glad I started on the weekend. I had a headache earlier, but it's
gone now. I didn't really have any plans for the weekend - so I took a
much needed nap. I'll have to go out tomorrow for some more kale and
cucumbers. Sack & Save has grapefruits on sale so,
I'll stock up on them too.
I'm not hungry. The steak and potatoes Raquel is making for dinner
smells good. I made my dinner juice and came back into the room (no
need to torture myself!).

1/4 Pineapple
3 Kiwi
My Lunch:
4 Kale leaves
2 Broccoli
2 Long Celery Stalks
1 Cucumber
2 Green Apples
1/2 Lemon
an inch of Ginger
My Dinner:
4 Kale leaves
2 Fistful's of
2 Long Celery Stalks
1 Cucumber
2 Green Apples
1/2 Lemon
an inch of Ginger
There was extra Green
Juice from lunch & dinner - so, that is my snack in between meals.
I rode the bike for about 7 miles (just over 30 minutes). I
may get some more spins in later - depends on what's interesting on TV.
This is definitely a mental and physical challenge. Aboy texted me words of
encouragement. He is not the type to fast. He does drink juices daily -
but more as a meal replacement or supplement.
So, from a food perspective - Day 1 is in the books.
I did a juice fast about a year
and a half ago. It's really not that hard. My
intentions were to juice for 30 days. I made it to 15. I had
to stop because I got "backed up". Go Figure!!
I did lose 23 lbs.
Since then, I've done A LOT of research. I've joined different groups
on Facebook. Read some books. Watched some more movies. I
think this time around I'm much more prepared for any "obstacles" that
I incur and how I'll overcome them.
The thing that I will do differently this time:
Drink LOTS more water throughout the day
- Mix up my juices (I've got some GREAT recipes)
- Drink an herbal tea before bedtime
- Exercise more
- and did I mention... Drink A LOT more water throughout the day
In preparation too, I started weaning off of the "can't haves" over the
past few weeks. I slowed down on consuming meat and animal
products. I started removing all processed food and food like products
(BTW, this is a conscious lifestyle change for me - more in a different
post on that!). I also started adding more produce to my diet and have
started drinking A LOT of water throughout the day.
My motive for this fast
Detox my body
- Drop a few pounds
So, I'm sure you're saying - "but, if you slowed down on meat, removed
processed food and food-like products shouldn't that be enough?"... Well, kinda. I do feel much better! What's weird -
I'm not really losing a lot of weight. I am slimmer though. Aboy said
I'm "deflating". I think with the addition of some of the good things
and the reduction in some of the harmful things - any "inflammation"
has been reduced and my body is starting to repair itself. HOWEVER, I
feel like some of the toxins are still inside my body (I am recently
recovering from walking pneumonia & sinusitis)... so, a Juice
Fast will really cleanse me down to my cells and give my body a chance
to recuperate and heal itself.
Plus, it won't hurt to drop a few pounds either.
I will keep a "diary" of my progress. I'll post some of the different
juices that I use. Plus, if you have any questions - feel free to
ask. You guys already know - anything I do... I do it
whole-heartedly - so, I will do my best to find answers if I don't know
them off the top of my head.
Staples for my juice fast are
Green Apples (Granny Smiths)
- Ginger
- Cucumbers
- Celery
- Kale
At least 2 of my "meals" per day will have all of those
ingredients. I like to add things in like broccoli, spinach,
chard and other leafy greens. I will also be juicing with
root vegetables (beets, turnips, carrots).
I try to stay aware of calorie intake. Fruits tend to be higher in
calories than vegetables - so, my fruit juices I usually limit to
breakfast and maybe a small "snack".
Depending on how "hungry" I am - I will drink between 3-5 juices per
day. You'd be amazed at how full you feel after drinking an extra-large
glass of green juice! It's pure nutrients and your body starts losing
the cravings for things you don't need.
A Juice Fast is not for the weak. It takes a lot of commitment,
determination and will-power. This is not something that you can just
jump into. Another thing that can hurt you is if you don't wean
yourself back onto solid foods - you can really do damage. Think about
your stomach - it hasn't had to chew food for a couple weeks... then
you jump into a 6 ounce rib-eye - that could wreak havoc on your
digestive system. As I draw closer to the end, I'll share
with you how I prepare to transition back to solid food and how I was
able to keep almost all of that 23 pounds off from the first