Wednesday, November 27, 2013 |

A Dog's Life: The meaning of being Thankful

When you own a dog (or pets in general) - you are generally connected to your home. They are children that depend on you for food, water and care. When you make travel plans or extended time away from the house - you have to consider who is going to care for them while you are away.

One of the greatest rewards that my babies bring me is no matter how bad my day went - they are excited to see me when I walk through the door. It quickly brings you back to reality that you are loved.

In the Thanksgiving spirit I think it’s appropriate to share an observation I made this morning.
Every morning we have a routine. All the babies (even the Nuisance) sleep in the bed with me (the reason we needed a king size mattress!). I can tell when it’s time to wake up because they start to stir when it’s time to go out.

Like a coach – I get them amped to go outside. I start with the chant “Which babies want to go outside?!?” – this way, even if it’s windy or cold – everyone is excited to go outside (when it’s raining they get to go out the front door for a quick supervised outing). I count them off as they run out the side door and they all run out like gang busters to inspect the backyard and the boys generally piss on everything that doesn’t move.
While they’re out – I take care of my stuff… I usually have about 15 to 20 minutes to prepare my day before the babies want to come back inside. When Ed starts “yelling” (it is THE MOST annoying single bark) and Poopie & Shady start scratching at the door, and Weeshy is bouncing up and down – I know they are done and it’s time to come in… which brings me to my observation.

After the babies come back in the house – they run right to the kitchen to the pantry (where I keep their snacks). It is very routine and calculated which they get excited about every morning! Poopie (who is 10) jumps up and down like a puppy, Ed begs with both paws, Weeshy jumps straight up in the air (about 2 feet vertically) and Shady bolts back and forth and jumps on me. To me, this is a routine. To them, it is obviously a highlight to their day.

So, how many things do you do - day in and day out… the routine – but you take for granted? In the scheme of things – wouldn’t it be nice to have that much excitement and anticipation for something that seems like it’s a given but is truly a treat? 

This Thanksgiving we won’t be having a big elaborate meal. My family is all over the United States – but I have so many things that I am thankful for.

Some things like…

I have a big comfy bed that I share with my loved ones

I have electric to brew my coffee (and COFFEE!!)

I have a car to drive to go buy dog snacks

Not to mention the multitude of friends and family that make every day special for me…
You always hear “Take time to smell the roses”… I think my dogs really showed me that lesson this morning.

Happy Thanksgiving 2013!!


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