Friday, February 20, 2015 |

It's a lifestyle: What's for lunch?

I have been blessed with "big bones" (that's what Nan Guy used to say)... in actuality - I've been heavy my entire life. 

What you don't know is, I have invested 49 years of investigative research to provide you with the following useful information. 

Skinny people eat all day long. 

Yup, no bullshit. They just snack on shit all day long... WHAT they eat is different than what fat people eat. 

That's the difference. 

Instead of picking up a twinkie, they eat some carrots or almonds. 

Simple, right?

Understanding that has changed our grocery purchasing habits (again) and approach to eating. If it doesn't come into the house, I'm not as likely to make a bad choice when I get hungry. 

Another thing yous don't really know about me, I have an inner Libertarian that rears it's head from time to time. I don't want anyone telling me what / where / how to do shit. I definitely don't want a doctor or the government telling me what I can eat, that I have to take medicine that is going to make me sicker than the actual disease and I don't want anyone in my personal business. 

So, at this point of my life - I have decided that my health is in jeopardy, which is something I have complete control of. I choose what goes in my mouth. I choose how much time I commit to exercise. I can reverse many of the things that I have brought on myself by making better choices.

If I can do it, ANYONE can do it!

There is no willpower involved. This is about control. 

Just because I'm an adult, I don't always make adult choices about what goes in my mouth. The consequences are too great for me to continue along that path.

Besides, I have so many other aspects of my life under control - this is really one of the only pieces left for me to come full circle in my own universe. It is a journey, after all - I'm just at that point of my journey that I want to see my grandkids have grandkids. 


Since Aboy and I have started Advocare it has helped us wrangle in some of the demons of bad eating and manage our sugar, fat and caffeine addictions. And believe me WE were addicted. No doubt about it! We chose Advocare because we could eat real food (that is so important to both of us), not count points and not microwave pre-packaged meals (we threw out our microwave last year). 

I did a lot of research and found that one of the key ways to help change the way we eat was through preparation. 

Every video I watched, every blog I read... everyone said that preparation was the absolute best way to guarantee success. The products just help with supplementing nutritional deficiencies, energy and hunger control

Whatever they do - they are really helping. I am making it to the gym almost daily, I don't crave anything and I very rarely have the urge to go off meal plan. 

So, each week - we take a few hours on the day before Aboy is set to go back out and just cook a week's worth of food. I bake yams and potatoes, make rice, bake chicken and fish... then we portion it off so it's easy to put a meal together. 

It really removes the excuses to eat crap. Since the food is pre-cooked and frozen, it's easily heated up. 

It's healthier because we control the seasoning. There are no preservatives. It's pre-portioned, so the risk of over eating is drastically reduced. 

We are eating more. THAT is huge. We eat the right things, at the right time = it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle.


If you read my blog the other day, you understand my frequent meal choices are influenced by Mexican Recipes. They're high in nutrition and low in calories. 

Today's lunch has become comfort food for me. I need 2 hands to eat it, it's very filling and it brings in all the things I need for a complete meal. 

Also, if you've seen some of my Instagram or Facebook picture posts... you know how much I love a snack scrap for lunch (you have to click the link to understand that joke).

Lunch for today: Chicken Wrap

What made it GREAT was the ingredients!

I used a tortilla we picked up the other day at Trader Joe's

Like I mentioned - we pre-cook the chicken and freeze it. I have a scale (to keep me honest) and I just throw the chicken into the oven for 10 minutes to warm it up.

I ALWAYS add Red Wine Vinegar. Pompeian is my fav!!! It makes me "ACK" (that's a noise I make if it hits the back of my throat with nothing coating it)... but, it has great zing and flavor!

I also add homemade guacamole and some roasted red peppers or sun dried tomatoes. Aboy puts a small garden on his (he is a big guy)...

 Like I said... you need 2 hands to eat it. It's very filling, hits all the taste buds and you won't think about eating again for a few hours!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015 |

North Carolina is Closed Today

I grew up on Long Island. I had some great times growing up and every winter I was guaranteed at least one good snow storm. You know the kind... at least 6-8 inches of snow, school was out and we got an unscheduled day off just to be a kid.

Growing up in Bay Shore was fun too because our Superintendent had a great sense of humor! We didn't know if school was called until 30 minutes before it was time to catch the bus! No sleeping in for us!

I can go back even further. I was born in a blizzard. My father was plowing JFK when my mother went into labor. My grandfather had to drive from Redington Street to Saxon Avenue to pick her up and get her to Southside. From what was conveyed to me, I waited for my father to finish before I arrived.

Speaking of... my father LOVED snow. He would wake up at 5 am to check how much snow we got so he could get bundled up and start shoveling. My father had a very analytical mind, so he would perfectly carve out the driveway so we had just enough room to park and enter / exit the vehicles. We had a 3 car driveway... he'd be outside all day! I remember how it used to frustrate the fuck out of him because we lived on the right side of a dead end block and the plow would have the dump side on our side of the street. The plow would make a pass, back up and do a second pass - only to dump all of the snow from the entire street into a nice mound across the length of our driveway.

My Father and I would go do donuts at the mall or in the Junior High parking lot. All the neighborhood kids would go play on the mounds at the Junior High...

Remember the snow storm of '78? The snow was so high, our German Shepherds were walking over the 4 foot chain link in the front yard! My father got really creative with the snow for that one!

Man, that was fun!!

Then, I took my driving test in a snow storm. Nothing gets cancelled in New York because no one wants to reschedule or make the day up. People have to get around and do what they have to because of how our lives are intertwined.


And here we are... in the present.

Massachusetts is getting so much snow, their Ski Resorts are closing down. Long Island is having a banner year of snow fall.

It just adds to the challenge of life in the north east, but nothing that cannot be overcome. It's almost like an adventure.

Not in North Carolina! The anticipation of snow will shut the entire state down! The Governor is urging residents to stay off the road.

The National Guard is on standby.

For this:

Yup! That's what we got yesterday. ALL of that!!

Need bread? Better bake your own!


I mean, I get it. North Carolina doesn't have the snow removal capacity that they do in the north. There are ditches, two lane highways, winding roads, people that can't drive in normal conditions (add some snow... fuhgetaboutit!).

It's all good.

But, it still cracks me up!

Thursday, February 12, 2015 |

It's a lifestyle: When in doubt, go Mexican

Aboy and I have enjoyed meals from all over the country. Most of them, right on Long Island or in the City because of the smorgasbord of people that have taken up residence in the area and the different cuisine's they've brought with them. 

One thing that Long Island never really had a lot of was authentic Mexican food. There is a large population of Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, El Salvadorians and Guatemalans... not a lot of Mexicans. You can find Bodegas that serve food all over the tri-town area (Bay Shore, Brentwood, CI)... but, the food has a Caribbean flair. It's a lot more sofrito and recaito based recipes.  

That all changed for us when we lived in Texas, though! Taco stands on every corner! They even sold tacos out of the gas stations! On the side of the road, Taco buffets, Tex-Mex... fuhgetaboutit! 

Needless to say we quickly acquired a taste for authentic Mexican food and barring refried beans and tamales... it's pretty good!

We like fresh food. Mexicans cook with a lot of vegetables. Tomatoes, peppers, onions, squash, mushrooms... just a lot of healthy stuff if you leave off the cheese and sour cream. 

So, if you're watching what you eat but you need a filling "comfort food" without the guilt and lots of nutrients... go Mexican!


My new favorite "mayo" is guacamole!

Instead of having a sandwich slathered with mayonnaise, I put some guac on a tortilla with lettuce, tomatoes, boneless chicken and some red wine vinegar (for zing)... Oh Emm GEE!!! Total calories = less than 300 for something you need 2 hands to hold! 

My advice is if you are trying to eat healthier - give authentic Mexican a try!!

Click on the link for a Guacamole Recipe . It is so quick and easy to make your own. Homemade tastes so much better, anyway!!

Life is good, in Turtle's world

Many of you are already familiar with Turtle. 

He is our 80+ lb African Sulcata Tortoise that we've had for over 10 years now. 

He's a simple fellow. 

Sleep, eat, poop, repeat. 

Every once in a while he'll break loose, but we give him a pretty good life and he knows where home is. 

Since he's getting so big - we needed a better plan than what we've had in the past. When we lived in Texas, we'd let him stay in the garage under a heater. 

I'd fix him up with a "condo" - to hold the heat in a little area for him and he'd pretty much hibernate for the winter. 

So, this year - with all of our pallet ideas, we repurposed some pallets and made him a house. It has a sun roof and everything!

He loves his house.

We'll continue to improve his house and living arrangements, but this winter has turned out to be great for Turtle. 

He's not remanded to be inside everyday. 

On nice days (when the temps are above 50) we open his house up and let him get some exercise. 

In years past, we would have to carry him outside to get some fresh air on nice days and hurry up and get him before he burrowed in for the night under a bush. 

Now after he's been outside and he's ready to call it a night - he just goes back in his house and let's us know he's done for the day. 

We did start to build a greenhouse to protect his area. 

Weather and time were not on our side. 

This will be helpful in the summer to give him some shade. 

Next winter - we've got the structure ready to complete the greenhouse. 

We're also going to put wheels on his pen and house so we can move him around the yard for an endless supply of grass!

The end.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 |

Indoor Crafts: Loom Knit Hat & Scarf

Many of you that know me personally or if you have been following along with my blog understand that I have a need to stay busy. I multi-task for a living. It is my nature to have multiple things going on at one time.

"Idle time is the devil's play." - Mark Dayton

So, I keep busy. 

All the time. 

Something else that I have discovered about myself over the years - I have an equal Left and Right Brain. This just means that I have an analytic side and a creative side... equally. I can write technical manuals, but then I can illustrate them and add visual content. I don't know if it's a gift, genetic or learned - but, I embrace it. A lot of people are either one or the other. 


It's winter. The house usually stays pretty clean (because I'm in it all day long)... but, I need other things to do, too. 

Over the vacation - Michaels had a great sale on yarn. 

I picked up A LOT of yarn.


I am from New York. I don't talk to strangers. I was taught that from a very young age. 

I live in North Carolina. Southerners are social people. They will just spark up a conversation about the most random shit, just because. 

So, while I was in the yarn aisle (MINDING MY BUSINESS)... a native sparked up a conversation about the yarn. 

In my head, I had my own internal conversation:
"Oh boy! Here we go!... She's probably going to end up asking me what church I go to."

I nipped on the bait and my external voice participated. During the conversation, she mentioned that her church loom knits hats for cancer patients and that is why she was filling up her "buggy" (that's what southerners call a "cart") with yarn. A very noble cause, to say the least. 

Then... she asked me "What church do you go to?" 

I changed the subject back to yarn and asked her how to loom knit. 

She pointed out the looms she uses and said YouTube had a lot of videos and it was so easy to just follow along. 

I had a 50% off coupon for any regularly priced item and picked up the loom kit

This is my latest creation:

Pretty cool, right?

Hopefully I can crank out some more hats before summer gets here!

Monday, February 9, 2015 |

Souper Sunday: Lentil Soup

I got absorbed in a looming project yesterday and all motivation for cooking was put on the shelf. I am doing Souper Sunday Monday today. Oh... and thinking about it - double win for #meatlessmonday

Delicious yumminess on the menu: Lentil Soup!

When I used to work in Bohemia, I used to buy Lentil Soup at the Deli next door to our building. I love the heartiness of it and always felt like it was so healthy. I also thought it was so hard to make. 


I haven't had it in a few years and I am expanding our menu selections and decided I was going to make a nice big pot of it. What I don't eat, I can freeze and Aboy can take it on the road for a quick meal (or in his case, a snack). I did a calorie count look up and compared to Trader Joe's Organic Lentil Soup 1 cup has about 135 calories. Mine is much healthier though because I know exactly what was used in making it!

I found this recipe and liked it the best because it had all the ingredients I love the most!

It was even more attractive because it is a meatless meal that I can cook it in the crockpot. Nothing better than a set it and forget it meal! Another thing that made me excited about making Lentil Soup - I got to use my new Favorite Toy!!  #winning

As normal - I changed a couple of the ingredients (because that's how I do)... but, I did stick pretty close to the original recipe. I also don't usually measure my vegetables... if it calls for a cup or ounces... I just kind of make that up as I go along. I like vegetables and IMHO, more is better!

1 Onion, chopped
1/4 Cup of EVOO
Diced Carrots
Diced Celery
2 Garlic Cloves, minced
1 Tsp Oregano
1 Bay Leaf
1 Tsp Fresh Basil (it said dried, buy I grow basil on my window sill)
1 can of diced tomatoes (14.5 ounces)  - it said crushed, but - I live dangerous
1 lb bag of dried Lentils (rinsed & drained)
8 cups of water
Spinach (LOTS of Spinach!)
2 Chicken Bouillon Cubes (instead of vinegar)
Salt & Pepper to taste

I just dumped it all into the crockpot and put it on low. It will be done in 6-8 hours. 

That's it!

Below are some pictures of my new favorite toy and how it looks in the crockpot.

Friday, February 6, 2015 |

No pain, No gain!

Last night I did Kettle Bell and Zumba again. I think both instructors had a bad day in their real life because both classes were extra intense.

During Kettle Bell we worked every muscle group and in Zumba it seemed like every song was 160 heart beats per minute speed! It was two hours of constant movement with barely enough time to squeeze in sips of water!

Lucky for me, soreness is temporary. Before I left the house, I drank a glass of Arginine Extreme. Then, just before I got in the bed - I took the Nighttime Recovery supplements. 

I have been doing this regimen for about a week now and when I wake up in the morning, I'm not "body-won't-move" sore. I do feel like I worked out, but in a "slim" kind of way. And I sleep GREAT! 

This is not a sales pitch in the least... this is an affirmation that Advocare products are working! 

I have put off working out for years because it hurts. I don't like sweating. It all seems like martyrdom. 

I do know that in order to be a better farmer, have fun with my grandsons and to enter my golden years with minimal health issues - just like everything else in my life - I have to take control of my physical health.

They say that a great body doesn't come in a pill... maybe not, but this bottle helps me to go to the gym everyday. I know the next day I am not going to have all the soreness and stiffness. That is a big mental and physical relief!

You can see all the Performance Elite products by clicking here.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015 |

Healthy Beverages: Watermelon, Pineapple and Ginger

I needed a snack this morning and wanted to mix it up a little bit. Aboy had left a 1/2 watermelon, we had picked up a fresh pineapple and there is always fresh ginger in the house. I also have some cucumbers, oranges, blueberries and other produce... so, I wanted to find a juice that would be my "snack" but yield some health benefits too.

Google is my friend and I typed in "Watermelon Juice"... pages of stuff came up and I was able to find something for almost every ingredient that I have available. 

This morning I chose the Watermelon, Pineapple and Ginger juice.

Health Benefits:
  1. Watermelon: Among all the vitamins and health benefits - 1 cup of Watermelon only has 45 calories. 
  2. Pineapple: There is a long list of health benefits but adding Pineapple also makes everything sweeter. A half cup of Pineapple has 50 calories. 
  3. Ginger: I love Ginger because it has proven over and over to me to be an anti-inflammatory. Yous know I have a trick hip and I'm not getting any younger... Ginger helps reduce swelling and inflammation. 1 TBSP (about a thumb size) has 5 calories. 
I blended this up in my NutribulletRX and after putting in all the ingredients, added filtered water to the Max Line. It yielded a nice size pitcher and it is very "juicy" not "pulpy". I added some ice. It is very tasty, too!

You can find the recipes that I have tried by following me on Pinterest. I frequently update my boards because there is so much to try and only so many meals in a day!

My New Favorite Toy #2

If you read my post about my New Favorite Toy you know that idle time, a credit card and info-mercials are a deadly mix! 

In saying that - my New Favorite Toy #2 is my NutribulletRX.

It's much bigger than the regular Nutribullet and has some additional bells and whistles that "sold" me. 

  1. The motor is a set it and forget it. I just plop the canister on the motor and it accelerates, then slows then re-accelerates until it's finished.
  2. It makes SOUP!  No bullshit - I can put in all the ingredient and in 7 minutes I have fresh soup. It makes a great base of thick creamy soups and then I can add any extras like beans, more vegetables or a meat - for texture. 
  3. It yields less pulp (well, I think it does). If I'm looking for a smoothie, I want pulp - but if I'm looking for a juice, I can add more liquid (water, almond milk, coconut water) to make it more like a "juice". It also pulverizes the fuck out of a chia seed! 

Then it does the regular things that the regular nutribullet can do - like make peanut butter and smoothies.

Clean up is a dream. I wanted to move away from my traditional juicer because of all the waste and clean up is a PITA. This, I can run it under water or just quickly run the scrub brush over it and it's clean. So. Much. Easier. I mean, life is hard enough. Clean up should be easy! 

If you're not into heavy juicing or are just starting to get your feet wet, we also have the regular Nutribullet - which works great, too. Aboy keeps his on the truck and it has really made it easy for him to have a quick healthy drink when he wants something more than water. 

Another "toy" that I am pleased with. 
I give it 2 snaps!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015 |

Souper Sunday: Hearty Vegetable Soup

It's Sunday!!! You know what that means!

I put this together on a whim. It is a very basic recipe and you can add / remove what ever doesn't fit your fancy. I love vegetables - so, I've got plenty in here! This is enough for an army - so, I'll be freezing the leftovers for a quick fix meal.

I listed them in the order they went into the pot:

2 tbsp Olive oil 
4 Garlic Cloves (minced) = 1 tbsp-ish
1 Medium Red Onion (minced)
3 Medium Potatoes (skinned & diced)
2 (1 lb) bags of frozen mixed vegetables (peas, carrots, corn, green beans)
1 Carton of Vegetable Stock (32 oz) - Aldi sells this for CHEAP!
1 Cup of Water
1 Can of Diced Tomatoes (28 oz)
S & P to taste

I put the Olive Oil in the pot on medium heat - dump in the garlic and onions - saute until translucent.

Stir in the potatoes. Stirring frequently for about 5-10 minutes (you want the garlic / onion juices to seep into the potatoes).

Put the rest of the ingredients in and cook over a medium heat for about 45 minutes to an hour. Test the potatoes for softness (then you know it's done).


It's very simple and you probably have most of the ingredients in your cabinet!

Don't buy store-made frozen meals when you can make your own! Invest in plastic bowls with air tight covers. It's healthier and cheaper! You never have to make rash decisions about what's for lunch or dinner when you've got stuff on deck in your freezer!

Hold up... Advo what?

For the past few months, I watched an old schoolmate swoon and rave over how great she felt. 

Some of the things she'd post on Facebook: "I feel like I'm 20 again!", "I can't believe how much energy I have!", "I've lost weight and feel great!". 

I remember saying to myself "yeah, yeah... she' s just trying to make a sale". 

What piqued my curiosity was when she posted a pic of herself in a pair of size 6 jeans... and she used to be a size 14! She had only been using the products for a few months. What a transformation!

I started doing some digging.

It's called Advocare. It is a company based out of Plano, Texas. The headquarters is literally 30 minutes from where we used to live. We had never heard of the products; probably because my social life was Facebook and I didn't mingle with the natives much (but you already know the stories behind that).

In my research, I really could not find anything negative about the products. I went on YouTube and found video after video of people that experienced the same success that my old friend did. I even found that many professional athletes use the products. 

So, I had thought about it for a couple of weeks. The new year was approaching and I knew that Myles and I had to do something about our weight or we would be spending a lot of money at the Doctor and Pharmacy for treatment and medication for preventable diseases caused by obesity. Not to mention I will be 50 next year, I want to live the second half of my life, not be burdened with health problems and medications.     

I sent my old friend an inbox on Facebook and asked her to tell me about the products and what I needed to do. We chatted for a little bit, but she told me to sit tight because a major announcement was coming out within the next few days and Advocare was announcing a National All-In 24 Day Challenge. So, I sat tight (kinda)... I did more research and what I found out is, not only are the people that use Advocare much healthier... many of them had quit their Just Over Brokes (JOBs). And.. they were all happy! 

Too good to be true, right? 
I am a cynic by nature, too!

The announcement was made. I had already talked to Myles about it and even though he was very skeptical, he agreed to do the challenge with me. It was 24 days... not a long time to commit to something in the scheme of things. 


After my research, I found out that I could be a "wholesale customer" by paying a $79 fee. The fee got me a box of Spark and a box of Slam and a website. More importantly it got me a 20% discount on products. 

I didn't have to pay the fee, I could have just paid the full price for products and bought directly from my old friend... but, you already know... I do not like paying retail for a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g.

Just before the new year, I pre-ordered our 24 Day Challenges and continued to do research. I was introduced to others that were also distributors and using the products and had found there were many people I KNEW that were having great success at both!

I spoke to Myles about the financial opportunity and he wasn't really interested (at first). He wanted to see if the products really worked. I did too - so, I just kept the website under wraps. 

Myles had to start a few days later than I did because the products came in while he was on the road. He will be finishing his 24 Day Challenge on Tuesday. I finished this past Friday. To date, we've combined for over 20 pounds lost. 

I was convinced the products worked by day 3. I was feeling better. My energy - I can't even put into words how great I feel. I'm already a happy person. Now my energy level meets my attitude level. 

Myles took a little longer to come around. What sealed it for him and was the "this shit works" moment, was some of the symptoms that he had - that would ultimately cause repeated Doctor visits and trips to the pharmacy were now under control. Plus the fact that he could eat, had very little cravings and was still losing weight - sealed the deal.


Why now? We've tried many "diets" over the years. Advocare is not a diet. Through my research and talking to some of the other distributors - the 24 Day Challenge is really a "Lifestyle Adjustment Tool". 

We already eat half-ass decent. We don't like to count points or heat up pre-packaged meals. We really just needed some assistance with getting our metabolisms under control and be able to eat normal food. It's taking what Myles and I have been researching and studying about nutrition over the past few years and taking that knowledge to the next level. 

I love food. I have been eating 5, 6, 7 times a day - since I started the challenge. I have not been hungry and I have not had any cravings. I just eat more often, in smaller portions. Doing that and adding in the supplements has translated into 21 inches lost = success!

What I didn't know and what was an added bonus... there is a team of people that have years of experience with all the products that willingly coach you through each phase of the challenge. They answer questions about menu items, the products, timing and expectations.

Overall, I am very pleased.


On a sidenote, Myles and I were standing in the kitchen yesterday, preparing our meals for the week and Myles said, "I feel clean". I knew exactly what he meant. Not only am I dropping weight, I feel an energy that I've never felt before. 

To learn more about the products, visit my site -  AdvoTerrific

If you'd like to use the products at a discount, you can sign up here.

BTW, this will be continued - because I have many small stories and wins that occurred along the way!

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