Sunday, February 1, 2015 |

Hold up... Advo what?

For the past few months, I watched an old schoolmate swoon and rave over how great she felt. 

Some of the things she'd post on Facebook: "I feel like I'm 20 again!", "I can't believe how much energy I have!", "I've lost weight and feel great!". 

I remember saying to myself "yeah, yeah... she' s just trying to make a sale". 

What piqued my curiosity was when she posted a pic of herself in a pair of size 6 jeans... and she used to be a size 14! She had only been using the products for a few months. What a transformation!

I started doing some digging.

It's called Advocare. It is a company based out of Plano, Texas. The headquarters is literally 30 minutes from where we used to live. We had never heard of the products; probably because my social life was Facebook and I didn't mingle with the natives much (but you already know the stories behind that).

In my research, I really could not find anything negative about the products. I went on YouTube and found video after video of people that experienced the same success that my old friend did. I even found that many professional athletes use the products. 

So, I had thought about it for a couple of weeks. The new year was approaching and I knew that Myles and I had to do something about our weight or we would be spending a lot of money at the Doctor and Pharmacy for treatment and medication for preventable diseases caused by obesity. Not to mention I will be 50 next year, I want to live the second half of my life, not be burdened with health problems and medications.     

I sent my old friend an inbox on Facebook and asked her to tell me about the products and what I needed to do. We chatted for a little bit, but she told me to sit tight because a major announcement was coming out within the next few days and Advocare was announcing a National All-In 24 Day Challenge. So, I sat tight (kinda)... I did more research and what I found out is, not only are the people that use Advocare much healthier... many of them had quit their Just Over Brokes (JOBs). And.. they were all happy! 

Too good to be true, right? 
I am a cynic by nature, too!

The announcement was made. I had already talked to Myles about it and even though he was very skeptical, he agreed to do the challenge with me. It was 24 days... not a long time to commit to something in the scheme of things. 


After my research, I found out that I could be a "wholesale customer" by paying a $79 fee. The fee got me a box of Spark and a box of Slam and a website. More importantly it got me a 20% discount on products. 

I didn't have to pay the fee, I could have just paid the full price for products and bought directly from my old friend... but, you already know... I do not like paying retail for a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g.

Just before the new year, I pre-ordered our 24 Day Challenges and continued to do research. I was introduced to others that were also distributors and using the products and had found there were many people I KNEW that were having great success at both!

I spoke to Myles about the financial opportunity and he wasn't really interested (at first). He wanted to see if the products really worked. I did too - so, I just kept the website under wraps. 

Myles had to start a few days later than I did because the products came in while he was on the road. He will be finishing his 24 Day Challenge on Tuesday. I finished this past Friday. To date, we've combined for over 20 pounds lost. 

I was convinced the products worked by day 3. I was feeling better. My energy - I can't even put into words how great I feel. I'm already a happy person. Now my energy level meets my attitude level. 

Myles took a little longer to come around. What sealed it for him and was the "this shit works" moment, was some of the symptoms that he had - that would ultimately cause repeated Doctor visits and trips to the pharmacy were now under control. Plus the fact that he could eat, had very little cravings and was still losing weight - sealed the deal.


Why now? We've tried many "diets" over the years. Advocare is not a diet. Through my research and talking to some of the other distributors - the 24 Day Challenge is really a "Lifestyle Adjustment Tool". 

We already eat half-ass decent. We don't like to count points or heat up pre-packaged meals. We really just needed some assistance with getting our metabolisms under control and be able to eat normal food. It's taking what Myles and I have been researching and studying about nutrition over the past few years and taking that knowledge to the next level. 

I love food. I have been eating 5, 6, 7 times a day - since I started the challenge. I have not been hungry and I have not had any cravings. I just eat more often, in smaller portions. Doing that and adding in the supplements has translated into 21 inches lost = success!

What I didn't know and what was an added bonus... there is a team of people that have years of experience with all the products that willingly coach you through each phase of the challenge. They answer questions about menu items, the products, timing and expectations.

Overall, I am very pleased.


On a sidenote, Myles and I were standing in the kitchen yesterday, preparing our meals for the week and Myles said, "I feel clean". I knew exactly what he meant. Not only am I dropping weight, I feel an energy that I've never felt before. 

To learn more about the products, visit my site -  AdvoTerrific

If you'd like to use the products at a discount, you can sign up here.

BTW, this will be continued - because I have many small stories and wins that occurred along the way!

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