Sunday, February 1, 2015 |

Souper Sunday: Hearty Vegetable Soup

It's Sunday!!! You know what that means!

I put this together on a whim. It is a very basic recipe and you can add / remove what ever doesn't fit your fancy. I love vegetables - so, I've got plenty in here! This is enough for an army - so, I'll be freezing the leftovers for a quick fix meal.

I listed them in the order they went into the pot:

2 tbsp Olive oil 
4 Garlic Cloves (minced) = 1 tbsp-ish
1 Medium Red Onion (minced)
3 Medium Potatoes (skinned & diced)
2 (1 lb) bags of frozen mixed vegetables (peas, carrots, corn, green beans)
1 Carton of Vegetable Stock (32 oz) - Aldi sells this for CHEAP!
1 Cup of Water
1 Can of Diced Tomatoes (28 oz)
S & P to taste

I put the Olive Oil in the pot on medium heat - dump in the garlic and onions - saute until translucent.

Stir in the potatoes. Stirring frequently for about 5-10 minutes (you want the garlic / onion juices to seep into the potatoes).

Put the rest of the ingredients in and cook over a medium heat for about 45 minutes to an hour. Test the potatoes for softness (then you know it's done).


It's very simple and you probably have most of the ingredients in your cabinet!

Don't buy store-made frozen meals when you can make your own! Invest in plastic bowls with air tight covers. It's healthier and cheaper! You never have to make rash decisions about what's for lunch or dinner when you've got stuff on deck in your freezer!

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