Wednesday, January 4, 2012 |

An offer you can’t refuse: $128.90 worth of make-up

Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are some of my favorite shopping days. Generally traffic in the store is slower, which gives me plenty of time to go up and down the aisles to look for great deals to match against the coupons I have in my binders. I’ve slowed down with big basket purchases because I’ve stockpiled food and personal care items – so I’m at the point in my couponing journey that I can “cherry-pick” the great deals because I shop weekly from my stockpile (dinner the other night cost me 92¢ - 2 lbs of chicken legs, scalloped potatoes and corn).

I told Aboy that I was going to go to Walgreens and Target. He said, “Oh, good – how long do you think you’ll be, because you can drop me off at the gym [which is around the corner from Walgreens] and pick me up when you’re done”. I told him “OK, sounds good – I should only be a couple hours… and I’m going to need $10 to shop with”.

The gym is not too far from the house – we live in the center of Denton. Everything is within a 5 minute drive from the house. We really found a great spot.

Around 2:30pm, we were both ready to go. I grabbed my coupon bag – which holds 2 zippered binders and an accordion file… Aboy grabbed his gym bag and we were on our way. 

I dropped Aboy off and he told me he’d be ready by 4pm. He got out of the car and waited for me to pull off. I pulled out of the parking lot and onto Loop 288 and when I got to the light realized “Shit! He didn’t give me the money!!”

Oh well, this is the opportunity for me to really put myself to the test – I had a couple bucks on me… but anything over $5 and I was gonna have to put stuff back on the shelf. I wasn’t going on a major shopping trip – but I did have some specific items I was going to get – like 19¢ Activia multi-packs and free macaroni & cheese & frozen dinners from Target.

I really just wanted to walk around Walgreens – I heard through some of the websites I follow – there may be an opportunity for free nail polish remover.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Drug Store game - CVS, Walgreens and Rite-Aid (BTW, there’s no Rite-Aid in Denton) usually have great sales week to week – but they offer “rewards” or “bucks” for you to shop there and in many cases – you can flip the rewards to pay for the items that you don’t have coupons for. I use my rewards to buy things like toilet paper, cleaning products and personal care items – you know… the stuff that ends up in the sewer.

So, I went to Walgreens first – just to do (what I like to call) the mall-walk and see what they had on sale/ clearance.

Once I got into the store – I started out with the cosmetics. There were lots of clearance tags on many of the products and they had a great sale going on if you Buy one you Get one for 50% off (B1G1-50%). This sale applied to the clearance items as well. Sunday’s coupon inserts had some great cosmetics coupons and I got very excited because many of my coupons were $2.50 - $3 off and the items on clearance were $3.24 and lower.

So, I matched up my coupons with the items that were on clearance. I picked up some Revlon, L’Oreal and Covergirl items. I walked around the store and didn’t really see anything else worth buying and made my way to the register. I told the girl, “I need you to ring each item separately because I only have $5 on me and I need all my coupons to work”.    

**Let me explain why that is important at Walgreens**

Walgreens will allow you to stack coupons (store coupons with manufacturers coupons) – BUT Walgreens will not allow you to use more coupons than you have items. If the cashier rings in 4 @ $2.99 – that makes 1 item = 1 coupon. I need to be able to use all 4 coupons.

So, she did as I asked and the order (before clearance prices were applied) was $128.90. After the clearance and B1G1-50% discounts, the order came down to $31.84 – and after coupons, I paid 40¢.

Pretty cool, right?



I had walked around for so long in Walgreens – it was almost time to pick up Aboy so I went to the gym and waited for him to come out.

I was so proud of myself! I kept looking over the receipt to make sure it was real!

When Aboy got in the car I said (with an attitude), “You didn’t give me the money!” (but inside I was cracking up!) So Aboy says “So you didn’t go shopping?”

I had a smirk on my face when I replied “I sure did! … LOOK!” as I shoved the receipt in his face.

He took the receipt and examined it, then said… “Oh, you saved $28.50?... oh wait – you saved $128.50??!?”

He stuck his hand up to give me a high five and said “You’re really doing your thing, Boo!”

Then, when he looked in the bag and saw it was 20 pieces of make-up – he shot down my coupon hard-on with “This is all you got?”

UGH!  Men!
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