Wednesday, March 25, 2015 |

It's a Lifestyle: Better than Mom's Cooking!

We went to NY this past weekend for our Niece's wedding. It was so much fun to go and enjoy family time. 

The trip was short but well worth it!

We took lots of pictures with our new #selfiestick. 

We really had a lot of fun! 


Part of the requisite of visiting home is to indulge on phenomenal food. 

We spent more time in the car than we did visiting and doing stuff - but, we did eat!!

  1. I had a slice of Pizza and an Eggplant Parmesan hero
  2. I had Zeppoles
  3. I had Rice & Beans with Steak
  4. I had an Empenada
  5. I had Fried Chicken Wings
  6. I had a Leggios Hero
  7. I had a Cinnamon & Raisin Bagel w/ Cream Cheese 
  8. I had a couple hunks of Italian Bread
  9. Not to mention, Subway and Zaxby's on the ride up. 

I weighed myself today...

I lost 2 lbs this week. 

Since January we drastically changed our eating habits - but going home is a treat and we definitely "treated" ourselves to some awesome food. We stuck with our #Advocare regimen while we traveled and got right back on the meal plan wagon when we got home (I did have some leftover Rice & Beans for lunch on Monday tongue emoticon ).

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