Sunday, December 4, 2011 |

What comes natural

Writing has always been fun for me. Because I enjoy doing it, I’ve earned money, released stress and with a few letter writing campaigns, actually got the attention of a few political leaders and agencies.  So, I guess it’s a gift. Putting words to paper and conveying a point. Not everyone can do it. Some people do better with verbal communication… I prefer to write because I can convey my point concisely and really paint a picture of what I want you to understand. Plus, my verbal communication is often interpreted as blunt. Not that blunt is bad – it’s just some people don’t handle blunt well. So, I write.

Like many of you, my entire life can be broken into 500 word essays and separated into chapters. With my inaugural blog, Trucker in Training I got some great feedback. I think it went over well and I really enjoyed telling my tale as a trucker in training. Since I’ve had to put that chapter of my life on hold (to read the details, go HERE), I didn't want to stop writing - I’ve still got some stories to tell.

I will apologize in advance… because as I tell my story – just like Trucker in Training, I will have to go back and set the table so you can understand what is going on now. I am a complete product of my environment and every event in my life in some way correlates back to something that has previously happened. I promise - most of it is amusing. I can’t make this stuff up! I also want to warn you (again), that I curse a lot and I make up my own words. I use words to describe my thoughts and sometimes you just have to add fuck or shit in with what you’re saying to get the true point across. Fuck it, it is what it is.

You’ll want to subscribe because I could get a motivating period where I post 3 blogs in one day – and then I can sit idle for a bit before I post again. I can write on command (I’ve authored over 50 technical manuals) – but it’s much better when the spirit moves me. I look forward to your feedback as well!


The name of my blog is (GTF outta) My Way! – life in my nutshell. Credit goes to Donna & Anne

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