Tuesday, December 27, 2011 |

What happens in Vegas: Part II

It has been argued by me… oh, wait… wrong post.

So, I can’t actually elaborate on what Aboy and I did in Vegas – but our adventures getting there and coming home were a lot of fun. We laughed a lot. We ate too much. Most importantly, we caught up on life – after being separated for so long.

We rode through a lot of mountains. The scenery is all that!  I got some nice pics of Lake Meade and we crossed over the Hoover Dam. I definitely think we will have to go back on personal time to explore those landmarks on a more intimate level. It was breathtaking from a distance; I can just imagine how inspiring it will be, up close and personal.

Lake Meade

Hoover Dam

We had to divert our return trip. There was a monstrous blizzard (that threatened to close down parts of I-40), so we came back through the lower portions of Arizona and New Mexico via I-10. It added about 160 miles to the trip – but the peace of mind was priceless.


I’ve never been on I-10 either. I’m glad I got to see it with Aboy. It’s a lot like portions of I-40 with the majesty and phenomena of miles of mountains and valleys… and then there are (really, really) long stretches of… nothing.

I have to say though, the desert is not how I imagined. I didn’t see any buzzards or skeletons or tumbleweeds. If anything, there was a lot of vegetation growing along the highway. Another perception that was debunked.


What I did notice was a heavier police presence on I-10. Not only a lot of local sheriff and police patrols, but most notably Border Patrol.

We spent the night, on the way back - in Eloy, Arizona. Border Patrol was in and out of the truck stop all night, getting fuel and coffee. I’m not sure what to make of it – I’m kind of in limbo – because you hear the stories of ranchers getting shot by Mexican drug cartels, but this actually made it all seem “real”. I’m not really sure if I could live like that. I guess someone that’s from that area would say the same thing about us living on Redington Street in Bay Shore – I’m sure it’s all what you’re accustomed to and what is familiar.

We actually went through a checkpoint in New Mexico where a Border Patrol officer climbed up on the running boards of the rig and asked Aboy what he was hauling and if I was a co-driver (to which I replied – in my best Edith Bunker – “Oh no offisuh, I’m his wife!”).

Good thing we left the drugs and the guns at home (that is a joke).

What was really cool was I got to see Mexico when we passed through El Paso, Texas. It was literally on the other side of the fence!



Even though we got to “see” the beauty of New Mexico and Arizona, I’m not completely removing “taking a road-trip across I-40 & I-10” off the bucket list. I think Aboy and I owe it to ourselves to be tourists and spend the night in some small towns along the ride and instead of making the trip to Vegas and back in 5 days, taking about 2 weeks to really enjoy it and experience the area.
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