Sunday, September 8, 2013 |

Favorites: Beets & Apples

I hate beets. They look nasty. They have a funny crunch (like water chestnuts).  I just never liked them when I was growing up.

So, as much as I don't like them - you'd think... well, why are you drinking them?

Beets have SO many healing properties. They are a natural liver cleanser. They clean the digestive track and they clean your kidneys.

So, I told you I wasn't a big fan of juicing when Aboy first started. The idea behind trying juicing was to be able to get more fruits and vegetables in. That includes things that I wouldn't normally eat.

I try to include beets into my regimen a couple times a week.

Some things that you should know (so you don't freak out)...
Beets will turn your pee orange (almost red)
Beets will make your poop change colors
Beets work pretty quickly - if you know what I mean
Beets are not for the weak!!

For my Beet Juice I use 1 Beet + 4 Apples. I also like to add in a thumb (about an inch) of Ginger.

Aboy prefers Red Delicious. I use whatever Apples I have.

I cut off the dirty parts that I can't get clean with my produce brush. Mud in my juice is not cool. I wash the apples and ginger off  too.

Everything goes in the juicer.

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