Friday, September 6, 2013 |

It's all a part of the journey...

I’m going to start up the blog… even if it’s just for a couple of weeks.

I’ve been meaning to write more – and now that I’m acclimating to my new position, I believe I’ll have time to get back to writing.

Writing is a great release for me and I guess it will be pretty cool when my grandsons get older that they’ll be able to visit my blog and see what was going on in my life – captured in 500 word essays.

Do you guys remember The Honeymooners? I’m sure if you had a 13” black & white TV in your room as a kid, you will (that, and The Odd Couple). I used to like The Honeymooners – Ralph always had a “get rich quick scheme” or some type of “action” going on.

Sometimes I feel like Ralph.

I guess you’d want to know why?

I am always getting into some shit. Not necessarily to make money or some “get-over”… but, more like trying new things (until I get bored with it). I like to think I have an entrepreneurial spirit and I’ll try (almost) anything once. Some things I enjoy more than others… some things I’d like to forget.

Kind of reminds me of a picture I saw on Facebook that said “The great thing about being in my 40’s… I did all my dumb shit before they invented the internet and cell phones with cameras!”

So, what has lasted for a while is couponing and juicing.

I like couponing because of the sense of accomplishment and the rush I get at the register when I’ve saved over 70% on my purchase. It’s a game and it’s also a way to make me get out of the house.

Juicing is an acquired taste. Aboy started long before I did. He used to have the house smelling like barnyard (and I’d let him hear it!)… but, after I watched Forks over Knives and Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead… I became serious about changing some of my eating habits and incorporating juicing into my diet. Sometimes I’m more dedicated than others – but, for the most part – I do it pretty consistently and can feel the difference in my health.

I know, I know… you’re sitting there reading this and thinking… so?

Well, this is the lead in to tomorrow.

I will begin a juice fast starting tomorrow morning. I’ve been prepping for it over the past few weeks by cutting down on my meat intake, drinking lots and lots of water and upping my produce intake. It kind of makes the fast easier to adjust to.So, if you’d like to follow along – I’ll post the link to my blog on my Facebook page… OR, you can come back every few days to find out what’s going on and how I’m faring.
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