Tuesday, September 10, 2013 |

Favorites: Green Juice

I know this is cliché - but, I've reacquainted myself with my taste buds. All the years of processed foods and comfort foods - I forgot how sweet a Red Delicious Apple really is.

One of the staples of my juicing is Green Juice.

I've tweaked the "recipe" to my taste. Aboy puts the kitchen sink PLUS garlic in his - it's too much going on. I understand his reasoning - he's trying to get in as much as he can in 1 shot... I have to enjoy what I'm drinking. I like the different flavors.

I wash everything thoroughly. Unless I buy farm stand cucumbers, I peel them. I leave on the lemon rind. I scrub the apples with a produce brush (and if they're "waxy" - I soak them in an apple cider vinegar & water solution).

For my green juice I always use the same base recipe and then I may add in broccoli, spinach, chard, or most recently - dandelion greens.

Base Recipe:

1/2 Bunch of Kale (4-5 leaves)
2 Long Celery Stalks
1 Cucumber
2 Green Apples
1/2 Lemon
Thumb of Ginger (about an inch)
I may add in 2 Broccoli Crowns or a couple fistfuls of spinach.. I'm usually driven by what I have in the fridge.

There is no limit to how much I drink. This yields about 24 ounces of juice. I try to drink the juice when I make it - but if I feel "full", I may finish as a snack or filler.

There is enough vitamins, nutrients (and pick any other good word) in this recipe to replace a meal. If you're not up for fasting - this would make a great lunch. Most of the vegetables I consume are loaded with protein and calcium (plus all kinds of other stuff).

Forget slimfast - this is so much better for you!

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