Wednesday, September 18, 2013 |

Juice Fast Part Deux: Day 2

Part of detoxing is keeping the body moving (if you get my drift)...

Dandelion Tea, Dandelion Greens and Chia Seeds are all a part of my juicing now.

I have to be honest - Dandelion Greens are extremely bitter! Nothing a little Pineapple or Mango can't mask though!

For the Dandelion Tea - I drop in a little honey.

My Chia Seeds - I add them to anything "thick" because nothing goes down worse then chunky thick seeds in a nice clear juice!

All this - plus some dieter's tea are helping me remain a happy juicer.


Today is Part II - Day 2 of my Juice Fast. I dropped another pound...

What is really interesting (as I do this self science experiment)... your mind has so much control over what you put in your mouth. On Monday, when I did my day of prep - the hunger and mind games my brain was trying to coerce me to believe were unbelievable! Yesterday was easier. Today was a breeze. No more hunger. Even more intriguing was the lack of temptation!

I'm thinking - and this is a stretch - but, because of all the micro-nutrients, my body sends signals to my brain that it's full. Which also got me thinking... how I'm going to have to be more disciplined after the fasting to make sure I keep my natural nutrient levels up to avoid unnecessary hunger and over-eating.

I'm not for taking pills every day. This is why I've started juicing. I'm not getting any younger. I want to see my grandkids grandkids. That is not a stretch either. My Great-Grandmother lived until she was 109 years old. My Grandfather just passed away earlier this year at 94...there is some longevity in my family.
Ganny didn't eat Taco Bell and McDonalds... Food Matters!


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